Poor Management In An Organization Causes, Effects And Possible Solution (a Case Study Of Nta Enugu)

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The growth and development of any nation is always the major concern of every government. Many policies and programmer with matching strategies are put in place especially in government owed establishment all these are with a view of improvement in economic well being of both the nation  and its general populace
However, a visit to any of the organization will convince one that, there is room for improvement ranging from lack of improvement of managerial known how to general indiscipline at the h, level of the higher and lower levels of the management resources, are poorly utilized, while organizational policies act  as deterrent rather than of responsibilities with commensurate authority being with held is observed . It is therefore, in the light of the foregoing that aroused the light of the researcher to Emhart on this study with a view of finding out the cause of these problems, effects and suggestion and solution there to with Nigeria television authority( NTA) ENUGU as a case study.


1. Introduction
1.1    General background of the subject mater
Problem associated with the subject matter
Problem(s) that study will be concerned with
The importance of the study to the area.
Definition of the important terms.
Reference using APA method.
2.0      Literature      review.
2.1      The origin of the subject area.
2.2       Schools of thought within the subject area.
2.3       The school of thought relevant to the problem of study
2.4        Different method of studying the problem
2.5        Summary
2.6 References.
3.0       Conclusion
3.2        Data presentation of the study}
3.2        Analysis of the data
3.3        Recommendations
3.4       Conclusion
3.5        References.

         When we talk of management is said to be the co-ordination of all the resources of an organization through the process of planning, organization, directing and controlling in order to attain organizational goals and objectives.
To manage is not an easy task; hence management in much organization mostly in government owed organization is fraught with problems, this affect the effectiveness of the management of such organization.
  If any one should per a list to any of the Nigeria organization will convince one of clear lack of managerial and technical know- how in such establishment. Indiscipline, authoritarian leadership reign supreme, so much the situation get worse as one get to the lower levels of the organizational hierarchy.
In this case, organization hierarchy tend to act as deferent rather than facilitators of decision making
In most organization especially government stands has been that entrepreneurial function instead of managerial this project become necessary to investigate the courses, effect and possible solution to the problems associated with poor management in an organization.
As case study of NTA Enugu is selected for the study. 
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(2014, 10). Poor Management In An Organization Causes, Effects And Possible Solution (a Case Study Of Nta Enugu).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 10, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/4141/poor-management-in-an-organization-causes-effects-and-possible-solution-a-case-study-of-nta-enugu-4073
"Poor Management In An Organization Causes, Effects And Possible Solution (a Case Study Of Nta Enugu)." ProjectStoc.com. 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/4141/poor-management-in-an-organization-causes-effects-and-possible-solution-a-case-study-of-nta-enugu-4073>.
"Poor Management In An Organization Causes, Effects And Possible Solution (a Case Study Of Nta Enugu).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/4141/poor-management-in-an-organization-causes-effects-and-possible-solution-a-case-study-of-nta-enugu-4073>.
"Poor Management In An Organization Causes, Effects And Possible Solution (a Case Study Of Nta Enugu).." ProjectStoc.com. 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/4141/poor-management-in-an-organization-causes-effects-and-possible-solution-a-case-study-of-nta-enugu-4073.

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