Delegation Of Authority As A Management Strategy (a Case Study Of Unilever Nigeria Plc Enugu Depot, Enugu-state)

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It has been shown that delegation of authority is mostly not considered at the might time and at the might place in our society.  New organization are formed without a depute attention been paying to the acquisition of the head of delegating art the   appropriate. Time this explain why we have many posts and duties in a new and even old companies revering  vacant and undone 
The purpose of this study was therefore designed to examine the importance of delegations of authority and control on the every day life manager and how it affects his subordinates.  As one of the most success  full business organizaiton in Nigeria Unliever (NIG) PLC Enugu was used as a case study and to investigate the extent to which effective delegation of authority could lead to organizational excellence.
The thirteen item of self-structural questionnaire was raised and validated for fifty eight randomly selected managers of  the organization.  The chi-square (x2) statistic techniques was used in the test of hypothesis the major findings include that.
- Unavailability of information about the capability of the subordinate is not related to the efficiency at delegation of task by managers.
- Management willingness to have faith in the ability of subordinates is related to their efficiency at delegating task to their subordinates 
- There is no relationship between the  efficiency of managers at delegations of task and the feeling of insecurity by the managers.

- And finally for effective performance managers requires discharge satisfactory all alone. They should give delegation of authority a required probity as the plan capital equipment procurement utilization of financial materials and market resources.  It becomes necessary to assign some of functions to the subordinates for the purpose of achieving the goals of  the organization. Constant feedback is also necessary in order to advents costly mistakes from the subordinate.  Delegation does not relief a manager of his responsibilities not does it reduce their overall authority in the organizaiton.  The essence of all delegated function is to share the task in order to achieve greater overall efficiency
Also based on this source recommendation were also made which if properly adhere to would have a positive impact on the organizational overall effectiveness

Title page
Approval/ certificate  page
Table content 
List of table

1.1 Background of study.
1.2 Statements of problem.
1.3 Purpose of study
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Research hypothesis  
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 limitation of the study 
1.7 Definition of terms

2.1 The management  process
2.2 Delegation as a managerial behaviour
2.3  Principle for affection delegation
2.4 Benefits of delegation
2.5 Difficulties of delegation
2.6 Unilever (Nigeria) PLC

3.1 Research design 
3.2 Area of the study
3.3 Population of the study
3.4 Sample and sampling procedure techniques 
3.5 Instrument for data collection 
3.6 Validation of the instrument
3.7 Reliability of the instrument 
3.8 Method of data collection
3.9 Method of data analysis

4.1 Data presentation and analysis 

5.1 Discussion of result and findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Implication of the research finding
5.4 Recommendations
5.5 Suggestions for further research

1What is the sex of the respondent?
2What is the age of the respondent?
3What is the respondent’s marital status?
4What is the educational qualification of the respondent?
5What is their basic salary?
6How long have your serve UNILEVER (NIG) PLE

7What are the reason (s) why managers delegate authority to subordinates?
8Do managers have a thorough knowledge of the skill of their subordinates?
9Is the information about the skill of their subordinates readily available?
10Do you have thorough knowledge of how reliable your subordinate is?
11To ensure that the tasks assigned to the subordinates are performed effectively must  you monitor their performance very closely?
12Are you prepared to take the risk of delegating risks to a person (subordinates) whose capability is not known to your?
13How often do you allow your subordinates to take decision on behalf of you?


Management is a social process entailing responsibilities for an effective planning and regulations of operation of an enterprise in fulfillment of a given purpose on task.  Breach E.F.L (1975)
Management is essentially the process of defecting the efforts of other people usually subordinators in order to achieve a  specific objective it could be said to be “the art of getting thing done through other people” the basic managerial functions of directing controlling planning organizing  staffing motivating and coordinating all involve the display of organizational skills administrative task and personal initiative executive talent and dynamism on the part of the manager.
Delegation is an organizational process that permits the transfer for authority from a superior to a subordinate the make commitments use resources to him. No organization can function effectively without delegation the derision of an organization into units e.g.  department involve delegation. Delegation originate from the fact that no-body can function alone successfully in an organizaiton.
In essence delegation of  authority means that a subordinate has the power to make decision and act within explicit limit without checking with the superiors. Delegation equally involves accountability.
 Delegation of authority  is an important administrative process of getting things done through other by sharing authority (or power) with them. In any typical organization by top management or any other approved body.
Delegation is an inescapable process in any organization big or small private or public. This is because no individual however talented and  accomplished can claim to have solution to all day-to day problems of the enterprise which he or she is involved  in the answer to those problem are best provided through efficient delegation. This is because these are the days of specialist.  Those specialist usually specialized in on of  organizational activities namely productive marketing personnel   accounting financial and  technical activities.  Indeed delegation is an attitudes. Of the mind and way of life of every goal seeking manager.
Delegation of authority enables quick decision to be made at all levels within the general policy framework laid down by the top management.  It lightens the burden of key officers in taking routine matters and enables them to concentrate on vital aspects of planning policy making and overall control thereby  ensuring administrative  convenience.  According Koontz and O’ Donnel “delegation is the due for efficient management and it determines how well one manages”
There are different group of people in an organization who are responsible for activities that contributes to the attainment of organizational goals.  These groups include top level management and other workers in he organization. The manager gives some limited resources determine the best way to utilize such resources optimally in order to activities some specified goals. It is through delegation of tasks that  a manager can get things done through his subordinates.  Delegation is the act of investing the subordinate with the authority to make decisions and carry out duties on task for which the manager is held responsible.  He is successful in getting things done through others is exercising the highest type of leadership. Without delegation managers action will be confirmed to what he can perform only.
In delegation task the manager should be able to recognize the special abilities and limitation of his subordinates.  This will help him to know which task to delegation to whom and why.  A wise manger who has the discretion to decide how many and which task to delegate should also know whom to delegate certain tasks to.
Finally delegation therefore means the granting of lights to subordinates to the prescribed areas.  As a result of delegation the subordinates receives authority from his superior at any time.
The  manager who makes masters the ant of delegating himself in a very good position because he can effectively discharge his duties. This is because he can have time to focus his attention on every important issues while those issues which are not very significant are handled by subordinates.
For effective delegation subordinates must understand the purpose of delegated function and the objective it intends to achieve.  If they are  able to relate this to the accomplishment of the over all company objectives and their own personal interest their performances is higher.
Duties assigned must be equal to the delegate. Fir there is an imbalances it results in frustration on the part of the supervisor as he seeks and fails to obtain the willing co-operation of his peers or subordinates.
For the employees to whom responsibility to be assigned and authority delegated must by judiciously selected.  Care must be taken to avoid employees who cannot accept criticism who lack confidence who are not easily   motivated.  The best manager is one who knows how much responsibility to delegate and hoe to be in control at all times.  Constant feedback is necessary in order to avert costly mistakes of  the subordinates.
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(2014, 10). Delegation Of Authority As A Management Strategy (a Case Study Of Unilever Nigeria Plc Enugu Depot, Enugu-state).. Retrieved 10, 2014, from
"Delegation Of Authority As A Management Strategy (a Case Study Of Unilever Nigeria Plc Enugu Depot, Enugu-state)." 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <>.
"Delegation Of Authority As A Management Strategy (a Case Study Of Unilever Nigeria Plc Enugu Depot, Enugu-state)..", 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <>.
"Delegation Of Authority As A Management Strategy (a Case Study Of Unilever Nigeria Plc Enugu Depot, Enugu-state).." 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014.

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