A Comparative Study Of Newspaper Readership Amongst Youths In Enugu Urban (a Study Of Youths In Enugu Urban)

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In recent years, editors, newspaper owners and managers had been faced with the problem of determining the choice preference to their newspaper content by youth in Enugu urban. This research used the sample survey method of social science research to validate its assumptions and research question. And for obvious reasons and constraints, youth in Enugu urban were administered questionnaires. Therefore, it is the case study of this research. This research projects, however, aims at comparing, identifying and analyzing the newspaper readership attitude among male and female youth of higher institutions with the ultimate result of finding out the choice preference as regards to content.  Also, this research will in no small way help the editors and newspaper manger and publishers in the determination and prominence given to some items in order to promote wider readership among youths. This study will also increase student’s awareness and contributions to both national and international issues. Also it will enhance and encourage greater patronage among the student’s profit to the publisher’s. Finally, the expected results due to the past studies on this topic will be that male youths read both information on national and international news more than female youths read more of entertainment than male youths.

Title page                                                    ii
Approval page                                                        iii  
Dedication                            iv 
Acknowledgement               v
Abstract                                              vi
Table of contents                                      vii 

1.1 Background of the study                       1
1.2 Statement of the research problem                            6
1.3 Objectives of the study                                             7
1.4 Significance of the study                                           9
1.5 Research Question                                   9 
1.6 Research Hypothesis   10
1.7 Theoretical Framework                                     12                          
1.8 Definition Of Terms                                          14      
1.9 Assumption                                                      17
1.10 Expected Results     17
1.11 Limitations of the study    18

Review of the literature
2.1 Literature review                                        19
2.2 Review Of Relevant Literature                  19
2.3 Summary of the Literature Review                    31 

3.1 Research Method                     34
3.2 Research Design                                            35 
3.3 Research Population  35                          
3.4 Research Sample                                                  36
3.5 Measuring Instrument                                         38                
3.6 Data Collection                                                     38
3.6   Method of Data Analysis                                        39                                    
3.7    Expected Results                                                 39              

Data Analysis and Results
4.1 Data analysis                                                      41
4.2 Results                                                               41              
4.3 Discussions                                                         43          

5.1 Summary 58
5.2 Recommendations                             58         

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(2014, 10). A Comparative Study Of Newspaper Readership Amongst Youths In Enugu Urban (a Study Of Youths In Enugu Urban).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 10, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/3778/a-comparative-study-of-newspaper-readership-amongst-youths-in-enugu-urban-a-study-of-youths-in-enugu-urban-8410
"A Comparative Study Of Newspaper Readership Amongst Youths In Enugu Urban (a Study Of Youths In Enugu Urban)." ProjectStoc.com. 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/3778/a-comparative-study-of-newspaper-readership-amongst-youths-in-enugu-urban-a-study-of-youths-in-enugu-urban-8410>.
"A Comparative Study Of Newspaper Readership Amongst Youths In Enugu Urban (a Study Of Youths In Enugu Urban).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/3778/a-comparative-study-of-newspaper-readership-amongst-youths-in-enugu-urban-a-study-of-youths-in-enugu-urban-8410>.
"A Comparative Study Of Newspaper Readership Amongst Youths In Enugu Urban (a Study Of Youths In Enugu Urban).." ProjectStoc.com. 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/3778/a-comparative-study-of-newspaper-readership-amongst-youths-in-enugu-urban-a-study-of-youths-in-enugu-urban-8410.

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