The role of Television in Political persuasion/Mobilization has been described as the role which television must play. This project will critically examine the level to which television can aid Political persuasion in Nigeria and to achieve unity in diversity. It will also assess the impact of television message on individuals in the society.
Mass communication is defined as message directed towards a large group people using a mass medium. It involves disseminating information to a large and widely dispersed audience mass communication is made possible through the help of mass media. That is to say mass media makes mass communication a reality mass media include television, radio newspaper magazines etc.
Researchers in mass communication were interested in knowing how specific massage; channels and sources could produce changes in attitude of behaviours. This was the natural outgrowth of the way mass communication research have developed from the 1920s fueled by public fear of the media, along with anxious politicians, eager advertiser, crusading social engineers and others watching to see the massive reach of the media; “to get their message across” quickly and efficiently. Government, military and corporate funding sources played an important role in the decision of those working within the field to take the direction. The goal was to determine what kind of persuasive message could be used most effectively in mobilizations of various kind political, advertising, public health, economic, educational, military and so on.
Recent changes to the technologies of both the print and electronic media, and in particular the medium of television have already begun to fragment media audience and transform the relationship between media and the nation (masses)
Therefore the utilization of the media in mobilization and persuasion is very crucial because the broadcast media, particularly the television has become the major sources of information dissemination over the years, and also the major means and most effective tools for political persuasion in Nigeria.
The ability of television to mobilize and persuade the people to behave in a given manner and to perform certain actions has merit an effective tool for political persuasion because it can send sound and picture simultaneously to a large and widely disposal audience, and it is captivating and dramatic in nature. Television appeals to the sense of sight and sound; it is comprehensive technique and the combination of audio and visual colours and motion. It has the ability to capture the interest of most viewers. That is why government and other private bodies give much attention to it. The media (television) serves as an intermediary between the government and the people because it assists the government in getting its plans and policies across to the people and the people in return gets their response, feeling and plight back to the government.
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(2014, 09). The Role Of Television In Political Persuasion A Case Study Of Nta Kaduna.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 09, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/3254/the-role-of-television-in-political-persuasion-a-case-study-of-nta-kaduna-4302
"The Role Of Television In Political Persuasion A Case Study Of Nta Kaduna." ProjectStoc.com. 09 2014. 2014. 09 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/3254/the-role-of-television-in-political-persuasion-a-case-study-of-nta-kaduna-4302>.
"The Role Of Television In Political Persuasion A Case Study Of Nta Kaduna.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 09 2014. Web. 09 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/3254/the-role-of-television-in-political-persuasion-a-case-study-of-nta-kaduna-4302>.
"The Role Of Television In Political Persuasion A Case Study Of Nta Kaduna.." ProjectStoc.com. 09, 2014. Accessed 09, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/3254/the-role-of-television-in-political-persuasion-a-case-study-of-nta-kaduna-4302.
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