The Effect Of Good Public Relation And Organized Promotions On The Achievement Of Marketing Objective, Case Study Of Nigeria Brewerie Plc

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Definition of public Relation is a deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between organization and it’s environment. Promotion is one of the four manager variable with which the marketing manager communicates information between the sellers and buyers in order to change the attitude and behaviour of both parties. 

This study aims at identifying the variable that inhabit the achievements of marketing objectives of firms and organization.  By so doing the researcher desired to investigate the effect of good public relations and promotions of companies using Nigeria Breweries Plc, as case study.

The Researcher used simple random sampling and stratified sampling technique in selling her sample.  The two major instruments of  data collection adopted for the  study are questionnaire and structured Oral interview.  It was discovered from the finding made that. 

a. Nigeria Breweries Plc acknowledge the positive impact of good public relations and promotions on their staff performance and organizational out-put 
b. The improvement in their volume and revenue is as result of organized public relations strategies and promotion techniques.
c. Public relation and adequate promotional tools  are not usually exclusive rather they tend to complement one another to achieve better result.  
From the above discovering made the researchers deduced some recommendations which include:
(a) There is need for a more motivational system of public relation and market promotions to enhance productively and sales volume  of the marketing companies. 
(b) The print media should be combined with the electronic media in other to yield better productivity.
(c) A good public and promotional strategy must be sustained  through research.  Well-managed feed back transparent honesty and truthful information. 
The management of Nigeria Breweries Plc should endeavour to adopt effective promotional strategy and public Relations to enhance their market strength win testing the hypothesis, statistical coefficient (superman) correlation ship was used at the end of the analysis the null hypothesis (H.O) falls within the region of the rejection while the alternative hypothesis (HA) fall  within the region of acceptance. 

Title page II
Dedication IV
Acknowledgement V
Abstract VII
Table of content X
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 6
1.3 Objectives  of the study 7
1.4 Scope of the study 8
1.5 Research question 9
1.6 Hypothesis 10

2.0 Literature review 13

3.1 Research method 38

4.1 Presentation Analysis of Data 43
4.2 Testing of hypothesis 46

5.0 Discussion of findings 52
5.1 Summary Recommendation and Conclusion 56
5.2 Recommendation 57
5.3 Conclusion 58
5.4 Contribution to knowledge/Research 59
5.5 Area of further Research 59
5.6 Biography 61
5.7 Appendix 64
5.8 Questionnaire 65

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(2014, 11). The Effect Of Good Public Relation And Organized Promotions On The Achievement Of Marketing Objective, Case Study Of Nigeria Brewerie Plc.. Retrieved 11, 2014, from
"The Effect Of Good Public Relation And Organized Promotions On The Achievement Of Marketing Objective, Case Study Of Nigeria Brewerie Plc." 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <>.
"The Effect Of Good Public Relation And Organized Promotions On The Achievement Of Marketing Objective, Case Study Of Nigeria Brewerie Plc..", 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <>.
"The Effect Of Good Public Relation And Organized Promotions On The Achievement Of Marketing Objective, Case Study Of Nigeria Brewerie Plc.." 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014.

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