The Effects Of Multinatioinal Corporation Industralization Of Nigeria Economy (a Case Study Of Paterson Zochonis (pz) Industries Plc)

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In order to counter the need fluctuations in the prices, demand, supply and income fro primary products, to reduce the risk of over dependence on primary production and to modernize the economy and increase employment opportunities, most developing countries have adopted a policy it is widely behaved that bring high standards of living, it increase economic flexibility by making more occupation. Goods and services available and also the industrial; sector tends to have more linkage effects with or growth – promoting impact on the general economy than any other sector. Perhaps, it is for these reason that industrialization holds and most mystic fascination for Nigeria, as it does for the rest of the developing world.
Thus trying to be incorporated into the world of industrialization, if becomes pertinent to fall back on international resources due to lack of economic ability to take off, hence the activities of multinational corporations.
In this research , Pz Pz industries PLC is chosen as the case study. The choice is influenced by the fact that if contributes to some of the identifiable industrial viable in Nigeria such as manpower development, employments, finance capital, technology development and transfer and linkage which provides a good sample for assessing the effects of multinational corporations in the industrialization of
Nigerian economy.
The research process involved identifying problems to be given attention, objectives to be satisfied and reviewing the body of existing knowledge on the subject matter. The research implored a systematic content analysis to elicit thus .
    The study showed that baring the limitation posed by death of infrastructual facilities, the multinational corporations have helped in the development of Nigerian economy.
Title page
Approval page
Table of content
1.0    Introduction
1.1    Statement of problems, and objectives of the study
1.2    Rational of study
1.3    Significance of the study
1.4    Background Information about the study
1.5    Definition of terms
2.0    Literature review
2.1    Theoretical Framework of analysis
2.2    Multinational Corporations and foreign capital
2.3    Multinational Corporation and Technology  development and
2.4    Multinational corporations and employment.
2.5    Nigeria’s Economic Policy towards industrialization
2.6    The Origin and purpose of Economic policy.
2.7    The policy of import substitution industrialization Empirical Review
2.8    Contributions of Paterson Zochonis industries.
2.9    Capital contribution to Nigerian industrial development
2.10    Linkage effects on industrial development in Nigeria
2.11    Provide of Employment.
2.12    Manpower development and training
2.13    Education
2.14    Health and Welfare scheme
2.15    Technology development and transfers to Nigerian Industrialization
3.0    Hypothesis, Methodology, sources of Data
Limitation of study
3.1    Hypothesis of study
3.2    Methodology of study
3.3    Sources of data
3.4    Limitations of study
4.0    Data Presentation, Analysis and discussion of the result
4.1    Presentation of data
4.2    Analysis of data
4.3    Discussion of the result
5.0    Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1    Summary of the entire work
5.2    Conclusion
5.3    Recommendation on the work

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(2014, 10). The Effects Of Multinatioinal Corporation Industralization Of Nigeria Economy (a Case Study Of Paterson Zochonis (pz) Industries Plc).. Retrieved 10, 2014, from
"The Effects Of Multinatioinal Corporation Industralization Of Nigeria Economy (a Case Study Of Paterson Zochonis (pz) Industries Plc)." 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <>.
"The Effects Of Multinatioinal Corporation Industralization Of Nigeria Economy (a Case Study Of Paterson Zochonis (pz) Industries Plc)..", 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <>.
"The Effects Of Multinatioinal Corporation Industralization Of Nigeria Economy (a Case Study Of Paterson Zochonis (pz) Industries Plc).." 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014.

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