Use Of Raw Materials Inspection And Its Impact On Quality Of Production

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The ideal situation for inspection is of course one in which no inspection is necessary. This is because the quality assurance effort cooperatively mounted by the purchaser and supplier has resulted in outstanding quality performance and reliable supporting supplier generated records. 

However not all organizations have reached this enviable goal, examining some of the more common ideas surrounding inspection and quality control is useful conversely. Adequate drafting or written of specification of materials to be delivered by suppliers is not always a guaranteed to ensure quality material in an organization there is need for the inspection of materials coming into the organization to ensure that supplier provides materials that conform to the quality expected. 

The purpose of inspection is to ensure that supplier has delivered item that corresponds to the organizational specification or description of the organizational product or services, their product and services must be watched with care until they have get to prove themselves dependable. 
Unfortunately, two production methods skills even of established supplier change from time to time. Operators becomes careless, errors are made and occasionally a seller may try to reduce production costs to the point where quality suffers. Thus, for a variety of reasons, if is poor policy for buying organization to neglect inspection methods or procedures. Therefore, the verification of the quality of incoming materials is an important task by any concerned in order to ensure quality materials and also to provide the customer service required level.

Title page 
Table of contents 

1.1 Background of the study 
1.2 Statement of the problem  
1.3 Purpose of the study 
1.4 Significance of the study 
1.5 Scope of the study 
1.6 Research question 
1.7 Definition of terms 

2.1 Conceptual frameworks of inspection and quality 
2.2 Method of inspection 
2.3 Incoming inspection 
2.4 Decision to inspect/ test 
2.5 Quality control technique(s), quality inspection 
2.6 Inspection techniques in quality control. 

3.1 Area of the study 
3.2 Research design 
3.3 Population size and sampling techniques 
3.4 Instrument for data collection 
3.5 Techniques used in analyzing data. 

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(2014, 09). Use Of Raw Materials Inspection And Its Impact On Quality Of Production.. Retrieved 09, 2014, from
"Use Of Raw Materials Inspection And Its Impact On Quality Of Production." 09 2014. 2014. 09 2014 <>.
"Use Of Raw Materials Inspection And Its Impact On Quality Of Production..", 09 2014. Web. 09 2014. <>.
"Use Of Raw Materials Inspection And Its Impact On Quality Of Production.." 09, 2014. Accessed 09, 2014.

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