Influence Of African Independent Television As A Watchdog Against Child Abuse And Labour With A Particular Focus To Child Trafficking (a Study Of Gariki Residents Of Abuja Metropolis)

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The aim of this study was to analyze the Influence of African Independent Television as a Watchdog against Child Abuse and labour with a particular focus to Child Trafficking. The study made use of survey research method. Subjects were drawn from Gariki using the purposive sampling technique. The study answered four research questions. From the research findings, it was observed that the programmes aired on AIT helped in discouraging the practice of Child Abuse and Labour. The study recommended that the government should embark on public enlightenment programmes to educate the public on the social dangers of child abuse and labour, as well as child trafficking.

Title page i
Dedication ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Table of Content vi
List of Tables ix
Abstract ix

1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 3
1.3 Objectives of the study 3
1.4 Research questions 3
1.5 Scope of the study 4
1.6 Significance of the study 4
1.7 Operational definition of terms 4

2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 Review of concepts 6
2.2.1 The concept of child abuse 6
2.2.2 The concept of child labour 9
2.2.3 The concept of child trafficking 13
2.2.4 The concept of mass media 15
2.2.5 Review of related studies 16
2.4 Theoretical framework 18
2.5 Summary 18

3.1 Introduction 19
3.2 Research Design 19
3.3 Population of the Study 19
3.4 Sampling Technique/ Sampling 19
3.5 Description of the Research Instrument 20
Validity of data Gathering Instrument 20
3.7 Method of Data Collection 20
3.8 Method of Data Analysis 20

4.1 Introduction 21
4.2 Data Presentation and Analysis 21
4.3 Discussion of Findings 33

5.1 Introduction 37
5.2 Summary of Findings 37
5.3 Conclusion 37
5.4 Recommendations 38
5.5 Suggestion for Further Studies 38
References 39
Appendix i 41
Appendix ii 42

Demographic Data Tables 
Table 1; Demographic Data on Sex 18
Table 2; what is your age bracket 19
Table 3; what is your occupation 19
Table 4; what is your Marital Status 20
Table 5; do you own a television set 20
Table 6; do you have access to television 21
Table 7; do you know How to operate it 21
Table 8; which channels do you prefer 21
Table 9; How often you watch AIT 22
Table 10; the kind of programmes aired on AIT 22
Table 11; which do you prefer 23
Table 12; when such programmes are aired 24
Table 13; what time are the programmes shown 24
Table 14; why do you prefer such programmes 25
Table 15; how familiar are you to these programmes 25
Table 16; would you say that television has been able to sentize the Public on child abuse and labour 26
Table 17; what are your reactions to such programmes 26
Table 18; has it discouraged child abuse and labour 27
Table 19; Do you agree that AIT television has been able to educate the Public to avoid physical, emotional and psychological maltreatment of children
Table 20; would you say that AIT television has been able to mount pressure on the government to make child welfare policies? 30

Child abuse and labour represents one of the most dehumanizing forms of human rights abuse. Top on the hat of the slavery-like practices against children is child trafficking. Combating child trafficking has gathered considerable momentum over the years with increased political awareness regarding the phenomenon, as illustrated by the localized adoption and ratification of international standards and important commitments undertaken in international conference by different states.

In 2002, the African union reaffirmed its commitment to combat child trafficking. It identified the elimination of human trafficking as an operational priority. Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), in 2001 developed strategies to fight child trafficking for exploitative labour purposes in West and Central Africa. In Africa, the first commitment to combat trafficking is exemplified in Africa charter on the right or welfare of the child (1990).

In the United Nations (UN) protocol to prevent, suppress or punish trafficking in person especially women and children. The United Nations convention against transitional organized crime called Palermo protocols, defines human trafficking to mean the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring as receipt of persons by means of threat, or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, abuse of power or of a position of benefit, vulnerability, of the giving or receiving of payment to receive the consent of a person having control over another person for the purpose of exploitation. (Arinze, 2006).

In order to mobilize effective efforts, political will and policy responses to prevent or combat child trafficking, the international community reached a common consensus on a common normative definition or trafficking in human beings which include various form of sexual exploitation or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or removal of organs. The focus of the provision stresses that trafficking for exploitative purposes should be considered a crime and must be prosecuted. It‟s also stressed that national laws should be reviewed to ensure compliance through legislative process the protocol as a model.

Prior to the time, the scale of child trafficking had been hard to determine as a result of complete unavailability of databases on child trafficking or traffickers and above all the shameful delay in the adoption and enactment of the child‟s rights law by state in the country.

According to Arinze(206):

The activities of some non-governmental organizations like women or child labour eradication. Women trafficking and child labour eradication foundation (WOTCLEF) and India Renaissance brought the issue of human trafficking especially child labour to the national discourse-and made the wife of the former vice president Mrs. Titi Abubaeke to initiate or bill to the national assembly in person. This action was followed by the establishment of National Agency for the prohibition trafficking in persons and other related matters. The agency is to enforce the laws against trafficking in persons, investigate or prosecute persons suspected to engage in trafficking in persons or take change or coordinate the rehabilitation of victims of human trafficking.

Child trafficking takes place in most parts of the world. In Nigeria, the United Nations International Children‟s Emergency fund (UNICEF) has identified 13 human trafficking endemic states which include Edo, Ondo, Ebonyi, Imo, Rivers, Enugu, Ogun, Kano, Cross River, Akwa-Ibom or Delta States. Research has shown that child trafficking has become an intra cross boarder and trans-national crime. Testimonies of victims of trafficking have shown that various techniques are used by traffickers to trick children and their parents. Research has also shown that there is a very powerful and highly organized network that is reaping substantial profits from exploiting the convenience of international communication weakness of penal system and vulnerability of parents and children.

African Independent Television, also known by its acronym AIT was pioneered by high chief, Dr. Raymond Dokpesi, is a Nigerian satellite television station, a subsidiary of Da‟ar communication plc, it was founded December 1996. AIT is the second largest commercial television network in Africa, broadcasting the most talked about television and marking a major contribution to African‟s culture, economy, and communities. Its programming mix includes the more on top entertainment, soaps, drama, lifestyles, news and sport shows.

AIT channel 21 and AIT international share the same vision and a similar mission. AIT has a unique mission that of sharing the African experience with the wider global community. AIT‟s main task is to project Africa from a holistic African prospective.

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(2014, 07). Influence Of African Independent Television As A Watchdog Against Child Abuse And Labour With A Particular Focus To Child Trafficking (a Study Of Gariki Residents Of Abuja Metropolis).. Retrieved 07, 2014, from
"Influence Of African Independent Television As A Watchdog Against Child Abuse And Labour With A Particular Focus To Child Trafficking (a Study Of Gariki Residents Of Abuja Metropolis)." 07 2014. 2014. 07 2014 <>.
"Influence Of African Independent Television As A Watchdog Against Child Abuse And Labour With A Particular Focus To Child Trafficking (a Study Of Gariki Residents Of Abuja Metropolis)..", 07 2014. Web. 07 2014. <>.
"Influence Of African Independent Television As A Watchdog Against Child Abuse And Labour With A Particular Focus To Child Trafficking (a Study Of Gariki Residents Of Abuja Metropolis).." 07, 2014. Accessed 07, 2014.

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