This research topic was on the role of advertising in the sales of a new product in Enugu metropolis using maters of Jumatex suitcase
Some objectives at this studies are:-
1.To determine the extent customer pushes action of Jumatex suitcase being included by advertising.
2.To determine the role of advertising in increasing the profitability of the company.
3.To determine the import of advertising in increasing the sales volume Jumatex suitcase used.
Based on this, a total of 411 questionnaire were prepared, which were administered to a population comprising relevant staff and management of the Jumatex suitcase in Enugu, and customers of the said company, Boulets formular was used for determining the sample size of the customers, which is a 400, while a census of (11) eleven of the staff/management was used.
Fine research question were formulated and validated with relevant answers in the questionnaire.
However, after a critical analysis of the data colleted through questionnaire, the following findings were made.
1.The advert increasing the sales volume of the company.
2.That advertising induced the customers to buy.
3.That advertising enhances the marketing of Jumatex suitcase.
Based on this finding, the following suggestion/recommendations were made.
1.That they should make serious effort by using other media of advertising, like television, Newspaper, and suppose more programme in T.V. and Radio.
2.That advertisement should be made more effective to induce more people to buy by increasing its frequency.
3.That comprehensive marketing research study been carried out on the market for suitcase and competitive strength of the competators.
Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Content
1.1Background of the Study
1.2Statement of the Problems
1.3Objectives of the Study
1.4Research Question
1.5Significance of the Study
1.6Scope of the Study
1.7Definition of Terms
2.0Literature Review
2.1Overview Advertising
2.2Types of Advertising
2.3Objectives of Advertising
2.4 Advertising and Media Selection
2.5Role of Advertising on Business
2.6Evaluation of Advertising Effectiveness
2.7Impact Advertising on Jumatex Suitcase
Research methodology
3.1Source of Data Collection
3.2Population of the Study
3.3Determination of Sample Size
3.4Sample Technique
3.5Instrument for Data Collection
3.6Method of Questionnaire Administration and Distribution
3.7Method of data Treatment and Analysis
3.8Limitation of the Study
4.0Data Presentation Analysis and Interpretation
4.1Data Presentation and Analysis
4.2Discussion and Interpretation of Results
5.0Summary of Finding, Recommendation and Condition
5.1Summary of Findings
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(2012, 11). The Role Of Advertising On The Marketing Of Suitcase In Enugu Metropolis (a Case Study Of Jumatex Suitcase Enugu).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 11, 2012, from https://projectstoc.com/read/236/the-role-of-advertising-on-the-marketing-of-suitcase-in-enugu-metropolis-a-case-study-of-jumatex-suitcase-enugu
"The Role Of Advertising On The Marketing Of Suitcase In Enugu Metropolis (a Case Study Of Jumatex Suitcase Enugu)." ProjectStoc.com. 11 2012. 2012. 11 2012 <https://projectstoc.com/read/236/the-role-of-advertising-on-the-marketing-of-suitcase-in-enugu-metropolis-a-case-study-of-jumatex-suitcase-enugu>.
"The Role Of Advertising On The Marketing Of Suitcase In Enugu Metropolis (a Case Study Of Jumatex Suitcase Enugu).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 11 2012. Web. 11 2012. <https://projectstoc.com/read/236/the-role-of-advertising-on-the-marketing-of-suitcase-in-enugu-metropolis-a-case-study-of-jumatex-suitcase-enugu>.
"The Role Of Advertising On The Marketing Of Suitcase In Enugu Metropolis (a Case Study Of Jumatex Suitcase Enugu).." ProjectStoc.com. 11, 2012. Accessed 11, 2012. https://projectstoc.com/read/236/the-role-of-advertising-on-the-marketing-of-suitcase-in-enugu-metropolis-a-case-study-of-jumatex-suitcase-enugu.
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