The Role Of Public Relations In Improving Nigeria International Trade: A Case Study Of Eleganza Plastic Industry Onitsha

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Public relation as one of the marketing promotional tools is now an important part of the modern business management is not realized. This is because P.R is often suspected and is equated in the eye of some members of the public with an attempt to deceive to pull the wool over our eyes.  It is at the aim of this research work to find out if utilization of PR at the international marketing level by focusing on multinational/ exporter in Nigeria.

In chapter one it says that the task of  PR ensure that the organization is seen to have an effective and valuable influence upon the well being of the trade or industry in which it operates it also further the state the problems to be studied and why this study was carried out.  The scope and limitation examined by other studies and it is related  to the role of public relation in improving Nigeria international trade are here highlighted.

Chapter three there deals the design of the study the methods used in collecting relevant data and also the questionnaires were distributed and the treatment of data.  The   also was got from the research survey were analyzed and interpreted questionnaires and similar question were compared.
Finally, the summary of finding conclusion and recommendation made by the researcher are all in chapters.  
Cover page
Title page
Approval page

Chapter one 
Background to the study
Statement of problem 
Working definition 
Objective of the study
Scope of the study
Definition of terms
Significance of the study
Limitation of the study.

Chapter two 
Review of related literature 

Chapter three
Design of the study
Source of data
Population of the study
Sample and sampling technique
Research instrument 
Questionnaires administration and response
Treatment of data

Chapter four
Presentation analysis and interpretation of data
Summary of finding 

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(2013, 04). The Role Of Public Relations In Improving Nigeria International Trade: A Case Study Of Eleganza Plastic Industry Onitsha.. Retrieved 04, 2013, from
"The Role Of Public Relations In Improving Nigeria International Trade: A Case Study Of Eleganza Plastic Industry Onitsha." 04 2013. 2013. 04 2013 <>.
"The Role Of Public Relations In Improving Nigeria International Trade: A Case Study Of Eleganza Plastic Industry Onitsha..", 04 2013. Web. 04 2013. <>.
"The Role Of Public Relations In Improving Nigeria International Trade: A Case Study Of Eleganza Plastic Industry Onitsha.." 04, 2013. Accessed 04, 2013.

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