This research work is mainly on the marketing of communication services in our Nigerian television with special emphasis to Nigeria television authority Channel 8 Enugu. The data needed for this study was collected from the employers/staff of the television house. The objective is to find out how this channel will be able to reach it’s numerous customers with adequate and reliable information at their door post around and all over the world. Also to determine the amount of satisfaction customers derive from the present state of communication services by the channel.
The research methodology employed were questionnaire and observations of how communications services are marketed to reach its numerous customers. Also Desk research was employed and most of the vital information was collected from both primary and secondary sources of data collection. However, the use of statistical models and chi-square was not used to test the hypothesis because the population used was not definite. From the analysis of the data obtained it was discovered that Nigeria television Authority Channel 8 Enugu has a very vast area of coverage. That the quality of their services is able to meet the needs and demands of this numerous customers. With the observations made by the research, It was recommended that the Nigerian Television authority channel 8 Enugu should do the following.
(a)Should maintain their high quality of services.
(b)The Nigerian Television authority channel 8 Enugu should continue to be customer oriented by paying attention to customers complain if their is any. So that they will be increased efficiency in their marketing of communication services.
(a)The purpose of this study is to take a critical look on how the Nigerian Television Authority channel 8, Enugu markets its station through effective programming and performance standard.
(b)Analyse the influence of television advertising from the consumers point of view.
(c)Suggest ways of improving sales advertisement spots so as to help generate revenue for the station.
(3)Significance of the study
(a)The significance of the study is the element of bias the researcher encounters when soliciting for responses from respondents for the fact.
(b)The facts that constrained the researcher work requires more item for effective and efficient collection.
(4)Sources of Data: is the primary and secondary data.
Primary data being the original data and secondary data being the already used ones.
(5)Method of data collection/research instrument. In order to collect relevant data from the respondent, the researcher used questionnaire and interview guide as his research instrument.
(6)Method of data Analysis
After all the relevant data were collected, the researcher use tables, percentages and chi-square in testing the hypothesis.
(7)Scope of study
The scope of the study is Nigeria Television authority channel 8, Enugu.
(8)Plan for literature review.
The researcher here will conduct library research on text books, Journals, magazines and other publications related to the topic under study.
Title page
Approval page
Research Proposalviii
Table of contents
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objective of the study or statement
1.4 Hypothesis
1.5 Limitations and delimitation
1.6 Definition of terms.
2.1 Literature review
2.2 Television marketing
2.3 Problems of the television Industry Nigeria
2.4 Problems encountered
2.5 Characteristics of services
2.6 Marketing mix for services
2.7 Improving service quality and productivity
2.8 Improving service productivity
2.9 Branding of services
2.10 Positioning of service
3.1 Researcher design
3.2 Sources of data
3.3 Population of study
3.4 Sample size determination
3.5 Sample techniques
3.6 Method of data collection
3.7 Validation of research instrument
3.8 Questionnaire allowance and administration
3.9 Method of data analysis
3.10 Significance of study
4.0 Analysis and presentation of data
5.1 Recommendations
5.2 Summary
Appendix I
Appendix II
Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes
(2013, 04). Marketing Of Communication Services (a Case Study Of Nigeria Television Authority Channel 8 Enugu).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 04, 2013, from https://projectstoc.com/read/1370/marketing-of-communication-services-a-case-study-of-nigeria-television-authority-channel-8-enugu
"Marketing Of Communication Services (a Case Study Of Nigeria Television Authority Channel 8 Enugu)." ProjectStoc.com. 04 2013. 2013. 04 2013 <https://projectstoc.com/read/1370/marketing-of-communication-services-a-case-study-of-nigeria-television-authority-channel-8-enugu>.
"Marketing Of Communication Services (a Case Study Of Nigeria Television Authority Channel 8 Enugu).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 04 2013. Web. 04 2013. <https://projectstoc.com/read/1370/marketing-of-communication-services-a-case-study-of-nigeria-television-authority-channel-8-enugu>.
"Marketing Of Communication Services (a Case Study Of Nigeria Television Authority Channel 8 Enugu).." ProjectStoc.com. 04, 2013. Accessed 04, 2013. https://projectstoc.com/read/1370/marketing-of-communication-services-a-case-study-of-nigeria-television-authority-channel-8-enugu.
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