This project is an equipment which been fabricated for the principle purpose of producing heat energy for commercial use by burning solid fuel like briquette. The project which is the fabrication of briquette stove was made from preferentially selected engineering materials like mild steels of different gauge member and metallic rod.
These metallic materials posses some mechanical properties like malleability, ductility, static strength and have the capability of with standing high tensile stress which can be noted in the area of filming of the materials used in the fabrication.
During fabrication, the follow sequence of operation was undergone. This includes design-material selection-fabrication evolution-and possible redesign and or modification. Screw design was found to be an area requiring major design improvement. Several experiments were conducted with different screw design, and an optimum design was arrived at. Problems concerning screw life was studied to enhance operating life of screws. Prototype briquetting machines were also fabricated after adaptive research in early day when briquette stove fabrication and construction.
The fabrication process of the metallic materials (briquette stove) include measuring out, marking out, cutting, filing, welding and painting as finishing touches. The materials used in the fabrication of this equipment are selected in order to withstanding the service environment like corrosion due to external agent; air, moisture and also due to continuous production of flame and heat especially on the reflector, gauze and top plate of the equipment stove.
The technology did not attract enough attention until recent time when the consumption of energy escalated to a greater height; an attempt was made to introduce this technology to Nigeria to alleviate the problem of energy and cooking equipment.
After the fabrication of the project, the efficiency of the briquette stove fabricated was tested and raised to be 89% effective, which shows and vindicates that the aim of the fabrication was achieved.
At the end of the fabrication, the cost of materials, labour and overhead costs were calculated on analytical bases, to ensure accuracy of the fabrication and its general usage.
Title page
Letter of transmittal
Approval page
Table of content
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Literature review
2.1 the meaning of stove and briquette
2.2 Assessment of raw materials for briquetting
2.3 Components of stove
2.4 The cooking cup
2.5 The heat exchanger
2.6 The stove
2.7 The fue canister
2.8 Types of stove
2.9 Domestic stove
2.10 Camping stoves
2.11 Industrial stove
2.12 Rocket stove
2.13 Satellite stove
2.14 Sustainable energy sources
2.15 Fuel wood
2.16 Char coal
2.17 Animal dung
2.18 Agriculture residue
2.19 Kerosene
2.20 Electricity
2.21 Liquefied petroleum gas
2.22 Briquette manufacturing process
2.23 The charring drum
2.24 The grinder
2.25 The mould
2.26 Sawdust briquettes
2.27 Briquetting of charcoal
2.28 Charcoal briquetting processes
3.0 Fabrication processes and care of the stove
3.1 Selection of material for fabrication
3.2 Fabrication procedure
3.3 Measurements
3.4 Marking
3.5 Cutting
3.6 Filing
3.7 Welding
3.8 Painting
3.9 Materials used for fabrication
3.10 Analysis of the fabrication product
3.11 The briquette stove
3.12 Analysis of the product
3.13 Brief description of component of the briquette stove
3.14 Top plate
3.15 Reflector
3.16 The guaze
3.17 The ashtray
3.18 Stove maintenance
3.19 Operation of the equipment
4.0 Material cost
4.1 Labour cost
5.0 Discussion
5.1 Conclusion/recommendation
Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes
(2013, 03). Fabrication Of Briquette Stove.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 03, 2013, from https://projectstoc.com/read/1101/fabrication-of-briquette-stove
"Fabrication Of Briquette Stove." ProjectStoc.com. 03 2013. 2013. 03 2013 <https://projectstoc.com/read/1101/fabrication-of-briquette-stove>.
"Fabrication Of Briquette Stove.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 03 2013. Web. 03 2013. <https://projectstoc.com/read/1101/fabrication-of-briquette-stove>.
"Fabrication Of Briquette Stove.." ProjectStoc.com. 03, 2013. Accessed 03, 2013. https://projectstoc.com/read/1101/fabrication-of-briquette-stove.
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