this study investigated the uses of gis and remote sensing as a strategic tool for locating the positions of oil and gasfields. it has revealed the ability of gis tool to develop databa...
Premium 17 pages 3289 words Paper All Levels
introductionurbanization refers to the population shift from rural to urban areas or the gradual increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas and the ways in which each society adapts to...
Premium 35 pages 2500 words Seminar Degree Level
this study aims atexamining the housing development in jos jarawa. 150 households were surveyedacross the district employing simple random sampling technique in order togenerate data on the...
Premium 110 pages 21312 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
this paper gives an overview of the pluto debate in solarsystem. it explains the new definition of planet and how it affects students in theelementary schools.the paper also seeks the acti...
Premium 3 pages 1519 words Paper All Levels
Parallel roads, straight and evenly distributed in an area, the average distance from a road to the farms it serves can be derived theoretically, as indicated in table practice, road networks for...
Free 6 pages 3500 words Book Note/ Review All Levels
Urban sprawl is the most challenging effect of man’s activities on theenvironment; man tends to move from region of low socio-economic activities (Rural areas) to regio...
Premium 50 pages 5283 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
climate unpredictability and change in climatic parametershave direct influence on environment and human existence. a negative change inthe climate, always have its corresponding dysfu...
Free 19 pages 5761 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
this work presents a detailed geology of enugu-ngwo and environments. the study area is bounded by latitudes 7o23’n and 7o30’n and longitude 7o23’e and 7o30’e.the area extent covers ap...
Premium 113 pages 12742 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
This study was carried out to assess environmental impacts of a proposed tankfarmwhich is to be situated at the Olokola Free Trade Zone in Ondo State (OKFTZ).It encompasses various fi...
Free 61 pages 12649 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level