tomato is one of the most widely consumed fresh vegetable. however, its highly perishable nature limits its postharvest life. temperature and relative humidity management to extend...
Premium 9 pages 2906 words Paper All Levels
fruit juice is an umbrella term for all types ofjuices which are extracted from fruit. juice is a natural liquid contained intissues of fruit and vegetables. fruit juices are m...
Premium 42 pages 5327 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
lecithin in human nutritionlecithin is a generic term to designate any group of yellow-brownishfatty substances occurring in animal and plant tissues composed of phosphoricacid, choline,...
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CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTIONDefinition: Protein hydrolysate could be defined as the end product of protein hydrolysis using chemical and enzymic methods.Protein hydrolysate have man...
Premium 49 pages 7570 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
Moringa is called the Miracle Tree for good reason. Moringa oleifera tree has been called the tree of life in many cultures around the world, including Nigeria. It has many names based on its many use...
Free 23 pages 13058 words Paper All Levels
The effect of three cooking utensils on the iron contents of common staples in Owowas investigated. Chemical and instrumental analysis to test the amount andeffect of co...
Premium 39 pages 4158 words Seminar Degree Level
Adolescents are considered as anutritionally vulnerable subgroup. A rapid growth rate combined with marginalnutrient intakes increases the risk of nutritional deficiencies in this...
Premium 118 pages 26706 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level