ABSTRACTNeural Network Based Character Pattern Identification System has been one of the active and challenging research areas in the field of data computing, image processing and pattern recognition....
Premium 70 pages 10711 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
Research works in the field of electronic learning are represented by a broad spectrum of applications, ranged from virtual classrooms to remote courses or distance learning. In this project work...
Free 67 pages 6449 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
Wireless power transmission is the transmission of electrical energy from one point to another without using any conductor or wire through vacuum or atmosphere. It is useful to transfer electrical ene...
Free 24 pages 3780 words Seminar Degree Level
Network Security is essential to any organization. This has been previously done by manual method. But this project is aimed at computerized Network Security to make the work easier....
Premium 48 pages 10256 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
this study explains the role of computer in the banking sector. it further describes the need and importance for banks make use of micro computers for effective utilization and storage of data...
Premium 19 pages 2845 words Seminar Degree Level
This study was conducted to examine the impact of computer innovation on commercial banks in Nigeria a case study of United Bank for Africa. This research work has become necessary to investigate...
Premium 40 pages 10146 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
Libraries have been an importantpart of educational and information sector of any school. The success of any library largely depends on proper management....
Free 54 pages 6949 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
computer architecture computer technology has made incredible progress in the throughly 60 years since the first general-purpose electronic computer was created. today, less than $500 will purchase a...
Free 23 pages 3000 words Seminar Degree Level
the study was on the impact of application of information and communication technology (ict) in theadministration of polytechnic in ogun state, nigeria.the study population com...
Free 58 pages 10127 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
The problem which always emanate from inadequate personnel information maintenance andmanagement has been a torn in...
Premium 44 pages 4267 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level