Banking And Finance Works

Banking And Finance project topics, essays, seminar topics, thesis topics, and project topics in banking and finance

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Bank Failure In Nigeria And Mordern System Of Computer Banking To Bring Inprovement.

 background of the studybank has been defined in various ways by different people. it is basically a service industry operated by people for the general interest of the public providing a mechani...

Premium 82 pages 11899 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

Fraudes In Nigeria Banks (analysis And Solutions)

this work is designed to examine the assessment of the role of the mass media in anti-corruption campaign. it is organized into five very instructive chapters. chapter one deals with the back...

Premium 86 pages 12216 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

Management Crisis Of The Banking Industry : (a Case Study Of Some Distress Banks)

in the banking industry, effective implementation of banking rules and regulations, organizational policies and procedures is very important in other to achieve the goal of the organization....

Premium 100 pages 13742 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

Bank Failure And Economic Development In Nigeria A Critical Appraisal

banks occupy the most strategic point in the financial system of the economy.  for a total of banks to between 1992 to 2002 a space of four years, means that somethings definitely is wron...

Premium 45 pages 6111 words Seminar Degree Level

The Role Of Commercial Banks In Agricultural Financing In Enugu State

the object of this study is to determine the vital role played by commercial banks in agricultural financing in enugu state which has been a major handicap to agricultural development today. t...

Premium 40 pages 5827 words Seminar Degree Level

The Role Of Community Bank In Economic Development In Nigeria

this project is seriously discussing the function and the role of which the community bank played in economic development in nigeria. the project is specifically subdivided in to three major c...

Premium 36 pages 5065 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

The Impact Of Central Bank Of Nigerai Financial Management On The Nigerian Economy (a Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria).

introduction1.1 background of the studythe nigerian economy has undergone structural changes in the past three decades from a predominantly agricultural economy in the 1960s to an economy mainly valie...

Premium 60 pages 7003 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

The Impact Of Interest Rate Deregulation On Commercial Banks’ Lending Operations In Nigeria (a Survey Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc Enugu

1.1 background of the study  there had been administrative control on the nation’s interest rates until july 31, 1987 when, in consonance with the spirit of the structural adjustment programme...

Premium 116 pages 12769 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

Financial Distress In Some Commercial Banks In Nigeria, Reasons, Issues, Consequences And Solution. (a Case Study Of Union Bank Nigeria Plc)

  a descriptive study was made aboutfinancial distress in some commercial banks using secondary statistics. this...

Premium 75 pages 10408 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

The Role Of Capital Market In Federal Government Financing

introduction1.1 background of the study broadly speaking, there are two kinds of chance revolutionary or discontinuous change which is gradually and common (suble) yet dynamic. it is this latter for...

Premium 34 pages 3878 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level

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