Mix-media In Sculpture (a Case Study Of Ede-ano Festival In Abagana, Njikoka Local Government Area)

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Ede-aro festival of Abagana has remained unknown to many people for just for the fact that well known authors have not taken proper insight on the works and cultural heritage of the people of the area. I developed the interest in carrying out this research project on this topic when I realize that nothing has been done on the Ede-aro festival in Abagana.
A town that cannot properly recall its historical past may not be able to define its stand today. Since then, it has been my intension to find out about the trend of Ede-aro festival and its implications on the community life.
For organizational convenience, this research project is divided into six different chapters. Chapter one which is an introduction presents in a parsimonious way the historical background of the study. It also looks at the method of research and general objectives of the study.
Chapter two studies the origin and historical background of Abagana location and people, while chapter three looks at the major event and activities of Ede-Aro festival, preparatory state.
Chapter four outlines the effects of the festivals on the social life of the people. Chapter five examines the input of foreign culture on Ede-Aro festival. While chapter six was the conclusion.

Title page
Table of Content

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Preparation by the shrine priest
1.2 The life of an Aro priest
1.3 Statement of the problem
1.4 Aim and objectives
1.5 Research problem
1.6 Limitation 
1.7 Definition of terminology
1.8 Tools

2.1 Literature Review

3.1 Project execution 
3.2 Preliminary sketches
3.3 The Amature
3.4 Mounting and Finishing

4.1 Project analysis

Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes


(2013, 02). Mix-media In Sculpture (a Case Study Of Ede-ano Festival In Abagana, Njikoka Local Government Area).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 02, 2013, from https://projectstoc.com/read/986/mix-media-in-sculpture-a-case-study-of-ede-ano-festival-in-abagana-njikoka-local-government-area
"Mix-media In Sculpture (a Case Study Of Ede-ano Festival In Abagana, Njikoka Local Government Area)." ProjectStoc.com. 02 2013. 2013. 02 2013 <https://projectstoc.com/read/986/mix-media-in-sculpture-a-case-study-of-ede-ano-festival-in-abagana-njikoka-local-government-area>.
"Mix-media In Sculpture (a Case Study Of Ede-ano Festival In Abagana, Njikoka Local Government Area).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 02 2013. Web. 02 2013. <https://projectstoc.com/read/986/mix-media-in-sculpture-a-case-study-of-ede-ano-festival-in-abagana-njikoka-local-government-area>.
"Mix-media In Sculpture (a Case Study Of Ede-ano Festival In Abagana, Njikoka Local Government Area).." ProjectStoc.com. 02, 2013. Accessed 02, 2013. https://projectstoc.com/read/986/mix-media-in-sculpture-a-case-study-of-ede-ano-festival-in-abagana-njikoka-local-government-area.

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