Ezeagu is among the tribe that produces art in Enugu State. Most of them are now Christanions, yet the old traditions still have a powerful influence in the life of Ezeagu people. It is better for one to trace the history
of his people and pass it on to the younger ones.
The Art of Ezeagu people suffered much humiliation and neglect at the advent of western civilization. The effect was felt more on the sculpture which comprised carving and molding. Such an event will deny generations to come the knowledge and pleasure of seeing what their for-fathers and fathers did in the past.
Traditional Ezeagu Artist creats some or his art mainly as instruments by which to make contact with supernatural forces which help him to over-come the danger of their environment. These art objects being created are ritual pots, birds, plants, carved doors and images, ofor, masks, mound, paintings for religious worship. Some of these art works could be found in village squares, shrines or altars,, evil forest, hands of individual persons. For instances, “ofor” is handy and is seen on the hand of any man who calls himself a father in the traditional religious group.
The produces of these works are traditional artists, priests and medium men. Some of these works when completed are used as very powerful oaths. In modern churches, there are art objects and their uses,, for instance, in the catholic and protestant churches.
My finding revealed the role of art in traditional religion, identification of tools and materials used in the production of art pieces, and its utility.
In carrying this investigation, traditional artists were interviewed and their works examined. Traditional religious priests, common men were also interviewed. The rest of the information was obtained from books, journals, magazines, archives and libraries.
At the end of this discussion, one should be able to know the importance of Art in Religious education in Ezeagu Local Government Area.
Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes
(2015, 10). Art As A Vehicle To Religoous Education In Enugu State (a- Case Study Of Ezeagu Local Government Area).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 10, 2015, from https://projectstoc.com/read/6708/art-as-a-vehicle-to-religoous-education-in-enugu-state-a-case-study-of-ezeagu-local-government-area-1811
"Art As A Vehicle To Religoous Education In Enugu State (a- Case Study Of Ezeagu Local Government Area)." ProjectStoc.com. 10 2015. 2015. 10 2015 <https://projectstoc.com/read/6708/art-as-a-vehicle-to-religoous-education-in-enugu-state-a-case-study-of-ezeagu-local-government-area-1811>.
"Art As A Vehicle To Religoous Education In Enugu State (a- Case Study Of Ezeagu Local Government Area).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 10 2015. Web. 10 2015. <https://projectstoc.com/read/6708/art-as-a-vehicle-to-religoous-education-in-enugu-state-a-case-study-of-ezeagu-local-government-area-1811>.
"Art As A Vehicle To Religoous Education In Enugu State (a- Case Study Of Ezeagu Local Government Area).." ProjectStoc.com. 10, 2015. Accessed 10, 2015. https://projectstoc.com/read/6708/art-as-a-vehicle-to-religoous-education-in-enugu-state-a-case-study-of-ezeagu-local-government-area-1811.
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