Self Employment And Poverty Reduction In Benue State: Analysis Of Welding And Fabrication Technology In Makurdi Metropolis

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The study set out to investigate the effect of

welding and fabrication business on the poverty status of welders in Makurdi
local government area. The study adopted a simple random sampling technique
select 60 respondents. Data was collected through a structured questionnaire
and was analyzed in frequency tables and percentages and a logistic regression
model was used for test of hypothesis. The findings also shows that majority of
the welders performed between 6 to 15 jobs monthly. The study also revealed
that the respondents had improved income levels after commencing welding and
fabrication business, than before commencing welding and fabrication business,
which they were able to train about 1-3 children in school. The income from
welding and fabrication activities also improved the respondents access to
medical services, type of house occupied and also gave them improved access to
safe drinking water. The study also found that the major problem encountered by
welders and fabricators is poor public power supply which they depend on so
much to carry out their business activity. The study thus recommended that
public power supply be improved since welding and fabrication business depends
on the availability of electricity supply to improve the business opportunities
of the welders in Makurdi local government area. The study also recommends that
government support local welders through patronage and the provision of
government loans and grants to meet their funding needs, as well as the
provision of specialized institutions where this skill can be learned
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(2017, 01). Self Employment And Poverty Reduction In Benue State: Analysis Of Welding And Fabrication Technology In Makurdi Metropolis.. Retrieved 01, 2017, from
"Self Employment And Poverty Reduction In Benue State: Analysis Of Welding And Fabrication Technology In Makurdi Metropolis." 01 2017. 2017. 01 2017 <>.
"Self Employment And Poverty Reduction In Benue State: Analysis Of Welding And Fabrication Technology In Makurdi Metropolis..", 01 2017. Web. 01 2017. <>.
"Self Employment And Poverty Reduction In Benue State: Analysis Of Welding And Fabrication Technology In Makurdi Metropolis.." 01, 2017. Accessed 01, 2017.

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