Causes, Effects And Solutions To Distress In Banking Sector In Nigeria A Review Of The Role Of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation. (ndic)

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The main write up of this project is to identify the causes, effects and solutions to the problem of distress in banking sector of Nigeria economy. 
The chapter one deals with the introduction which talks about how bank failure that is inability of a bank to meet its obligations to its customers, owners and the economy occasioned by fault or weakness in its operation which had rendered it insolvent and bankrupt. The objectives of the study, the scope of the study, statement of the problem and limitation of the study are included. 
Chapter two is the Literature Review which deals with the Nature and implications of a bank classification as “DISTRESSED”. How the deregulation process has tremendously increased the tempo of activities of the banking sub- sector. The major Risk Areas in Banking and Bank Rehabilitation Efforts; the general administration of the affairs and business of the corporation and the conceptual issues in Distress Management. 
Chapter three deals with the causes of bank failure, the effects of Bank failure and the solutions to distress in Banking. 
Chapter four talks about the roles of NDIC on the Promulgation and Review of Banking Decree and Guidelines, in the National Economic, Financial and Monetary Management and other roles in Extra Ministerial Committees. 
Chapter five is the summary and conclusion, Recommendation followed by Bibliography. 

Title Page 
Table of Contents 
Background of the study 
 Objectives of the study 
Scope of the study 
Statement of the problem 
Limitation of the study. 
2.0 Literature Review 
2.1 Nature and Implication of a Bank Classified As Distressed 
2.2 Deregulation Policies 
2.3 Major Risk Areas in Banking 
2.4 Bank Rehabilitation Efforts 
2.5 Administration of the Corporation 
2.6 Conceptual Issues in Distress Management. 
3.0 Bank Failure 
3.1.0 Causes of Bank Failure 
3.1.1 Auditors and Directors Involvement in Distressed Bank. 
3.1.2 Analysis and Policy Implication 
3.2.0 Effects of Bank Failure 
3.3.0 The Solutions to Distress in Banking 
3.3.1 The Prudential Guidelines 1990 and the Statement of Accounting 
Standard (SAS10) 
3.3.2 The Failed Bank Tribunal. 
4.0 The Roles of NDIC 
4.1 NDIC’s Role in the Promulgation/Review of Banking Decree and Guidelines. 
4.2 Publicity of NDIC Operations and Publication of Banking Information. 
4.3 NDIC’s Role in National Economic, Financial and Monerary Management. 
4.4 Encouragement and Support of Banking Practise and Education. 
4.5 Other Roles in Extra-Ministerial Committees. 
5.0 Summary and Conclusion 
5.1 Recommendation. 

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(2016, 11). Causes, Effects And Solutions To Distress In Banking Sector In Nigeria A Review Of The Role Of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation. (ndic).. Retrieved 11, 2016, from
"Causes, Effects And Solutions To Distress In Banking Sector In Nigeria A Review Of The Role Of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation. (ndic)." 11 2016. 2016. 11 2016 <>.
"Causes, Effects And Solutions To Distress In Banking Sector In Nigeria A Review Of The Role Of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation. (ndic)..", 11 2016. Web. 11 2016. <>.
"Causes, Effects And Solutions To Distress In Banking Sector In Nigeria A Review Of The Role Of Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation. (ndic).." 11, 2016. Accessed 11, 2016.

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