Food Poisoning And Food Borne Illness

ProjectStoc - 39 pages 10998 words 9359 views Seminar Degree Level Microbiology ₦3000 Naira ($7.89 USD)

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Food poisoning syndrome results from ingestion of water and wild variety of food contaminated with pathogenic organisms (bacteria) and their toxinsFood poisoning must be suspected when an acute illness with gastrointestinal or neurological manifestation affect two or more persons or animals who have share a meal during the previous 24 to 72 hours. The term generally used encompasses both food related infection and food related intoxication. Food borne illness (FBI) often called food poisoning is caused by pathogens present in the ingested food.

Chapters 1 - 3

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(2016, 11). Food Poisoning And Food Borne Illness.. Retrieved 11, 2016, from
"Food Poisoning And Food Borne Illness." 11 2016. 2016. 11 2016 <>.
"Food Poisoning And Food Borne Illness..", 11 2016. Web. 11 2016. <>.
"Food Poisoning And Food Borne Illness.." 11, 2016. Accessed 11, 2016.

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