Loan Procurement Procedures For Small And Medium Scale Businesses “problems And Prospects” (a Case Study Of Some Selected Smes In Enugu Metropolis)

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This research work is focused on the procurement procedures for small and medium scale business – SMEs with regards problem and prospects.
The study examined the background of the study, its scope, statements of problems, objectives of the study, scope and limitation of the study and definition of terms. The existing literature on the role of capital market institutions, method employed in gathering relevant data were examined.
The research work also concerned itself with the historical perspective of small scale and medium scale business in Nigeria and their operations. In addition, data collection, analysis, presentation and interpretations were carried out on the research question using statistical method and drawing conclusion from them.
Finally, for reaching recommendations were made to the management. 


Loan procurement procedure for small and medium scale businesses (SMEs) “problems and prospects”. A case study of some selected SMEs viz; pacific publishers, Amaka Groceries, Chinedu Furnitures and Uchenna Designers is a topic chosen with the aim of exhaustively unveiling the problems that are inherent with regards loan procurements. Such questions as to whether or not SMEs procure loans, why procedures and or problems are involved in obtaining the said loan(s).
To that effect, the research work is being divided into five (5) chapters, each of which embarks a portion or portions of the research work. Chapter one (1) therefore, will be dealing with the introduction which encompasses the background study; state the research problems; significance of the study; Research questions; scope of the study; methodology; definition of terms and ofcourse a highlight on SMEs, while chapter two (2)will be considering the review of related literature(s) on SMEs, while chapter three (3) is treating the loan procurement potentials problems and prospects., chapter four(4) emerges directly from the outcome of the data collected by the research which entails research results with which the hypothesis here tested and analyzed.
Finally, chapter five (5) summarizes the findings so found and results of the research work, conclusion and recommendations proffered. However, I approached this research through the review of books, journals, periodicals and indeed interviews. Wishing every one a happy perusal of the research work.   

Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Content

1.0  Background of the study
1.1  Statement of the research problem
1.2  Objective of the Study
1.3  Research question.
1.4  Significance of the study
1.5  Scope of the Study
1.6  Methodology
1.7  Hypothesis
1.8  Definition of terms

2.0  Literature review on SMEs
2.1  Definition of SMEs
2.2  Historical Development of SMEs
2.3  Setting –up of SMEs
2.4  Form of business ownership
2.5  Organizing and Managing the business 
2.6  Objectives of SMEs
2.7  Sources of fund for SMEs
2.8  Basic principles of lending and the five (5) Cs of credit
2.9  Problems of SMEs
2.10 Procedures for applying for business loan
2.11 Government measure to ensure success of SEMs
2.12 The Importance of finance to business
2.13 Summary of the reviewed literature 

Loan procurement potentials for SMEs in Enugu metropolis
3.0  Definition of loan
3.1  Research finding
3.2  Loan procurement potentials for SMEs in Enugu Metropolis
3.3  Problems faced by SMEs on loan procurement
3.4  Prospects of  SMEs on loan procurement potentials

4.0  Research methodology
4.1  Research Design
4.2  Area of the study 
4.3  Population of the study
4.4  Sampling procedure
4.5  Instrument for collecting data
4.6  Validity of the Instrument
4.7  Reliability of the instrument
4.8  Method of Administration of the instrument  
4.9  Method of data analysis
4.10 Data presentation
4.11 Testing of Hypothesis
4.12 Analysis and interpretation of responses

5.0 Summary
5.1 Recommendations
5.2 Conclusion

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(2013, 02). Loan Procurement Procedures For Small And Medium Scale Businesses “problems And Prospects” (a Case Study Of Some Selected Smes In Enugu Metropolis).. Retrieved 02, 2013, from
"Loan Procurement Procedures For Small And Medium Scale Businesses “problems And Prospects” (a Case Study Of Some Selected Smes In Enugu Metropolis)." 02 2013. 2013. 02 2013 <>.
"Loan Procurement Procedures For Small And Medium Scale Businesses “problems And Prospects” (a Case Study Of Some Selected Smes In Enugu Metropolis)..", 02 2013. Web. 02 2013. <>.
"Loan Procurement Procedures For Small And Medium Scale Businesses “problems And Prospects” (a Case Study Of Some Selected Smes In Enugu Metropolis).." 02, 2013. Accessed 02, 2013.

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