The Impact Of Monetary And Fiscal Policies On The Industrial And Agricultrual Development In Nigeria

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The research project is a very crucial study for the development of agriculture and industry in Nigeria. The study was motivated by the necessity to establish the extent of the effect of monetary and fiscal policies adopted by the government and monetary authorities in Nigeria on agricultural and industrial development.  The need for industrialization and agricultural develo9pment have been of great concern since after Nigeria’s independence.

To solve the research problem both primary and secondary data were collected.  The research instrument used in collecting the data were questionnaires and oral interview.  The respondents comprised of the industrialists and agricultural.

In organizing and presenting data collected, tables and percentage were used, there various hypothesis were tested using the chi-square.
Data analysis and interpretation gave the pillowing findings: logs in monetary policy, poor implementation inadequate planning, look of proper supervision, and political instability.

Based on the findings, I recommend that, grassroots planning and review should be made before policy formulation, defaulting banks on credit extension guidelines should be punished, monetary and fiscal policies should be flexible.

The conclusion of the study is that monetary and fiscal polices has not been used in on efficient and effective manner, but it the application of these polices are improved, there will be appositive change and development in the agricultural and industrial sectors.
I propose to write on the topic “The impact of monetary and fiscal polices on the industrial and Agricultural Development in Nigeria. This is in partial fulfillment of the ________ in Accountancy.

In this study, monetary and fiscal policies in Nigeria would be is focused extensively in order to know their impact on industrial and agricultural development. This will ensure that important sectors of the economy, such as agricultural and manufacturing sectors, were not denied credit by banks and for the central bank of Nigeria to reinforce her credit guidelines on the allocation of bank credit to agricultural an industrial sectors of the Nigeria economy.

The scope of this work will be specifically on the industrial and agricultural sector of the Nigeria economy.  It will look into measures which have been adopted using monetary and fiscal policies in order to improve and stimulate economic growth through industrialization an agricultural activities.

In the course of carrying out the researcher, information and materials would be collected form primary and secondary sources. Information will be obtained from interview, journals both published and unpublished by the monetary and fiscal authorities in Nigeria.

In conclusion, recommendations and solution will be offered for effective administration and implementation of monetary and fiscal policies in Nigeria in order to enhance industrial and agricultural activities.

Title page
Approval page

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of problem
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.4 Statement of hypothesis
1.5 Research questions
1.6 Significance of the study
1.7 Scope and limitation
1.8 Definition of terms

2.0 Literature review
2.1 Concept of monetary
2.2 concept of fiscal policy
2.3 Stance of monetary policy
2.4 Phases of monetary policy in Nigeria
2.5 Instruments of monetary and fiscal policies
2.6 Agricultural credit policies in Nigeria
2.7 Impact of monetary policy on industrial an Agricultural development
2.8 Internment problem of Nigerian monetary and fiscal polices

3.0 Introductions
3.1 Population of the study
3.2 Sample of Design 
3.3 Source of Data
3.4 Data collection techniques

4.0 Data Analysis
4.1 Data Analysis Design
4.2 Test of Hypothesis

5.0 Summary
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendation

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(2013, 02). The Impact Of Monetary And Fiscal Policies On The Industrial And Agricultrual Development In Nigeria.. Retrieved 02, 2013, from
"The Impact Of Monetary And Fiscal Policies On The Industrial And Agricultrual Development In Nigeria." 02 2013. 2013. 02 2013 <>.
"The Impact Of Monetary And Fiscal Policies On The Industrial And Agricultrual Development In Nigeria..", 02 2013. Web. 02 2013. <>.
"The Impact Of Monetary And Fiscal Policies On The Industrial And Agricultrual Development In Nigeria.." 02, 2013. Accessed 02, 2013.

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