This research work is based on consumption patterns and preferences switching among consumers from foreign to local rice in umuahia metropolis abia state, Nigeria. Over the years The Nigerian food sector has been characterised by excess demand over supply, through primarily to a high population growth rate of about 3% per annum, high rate of urbanization and rising per capital income stimulated by both export revenue boom and wage increases, Nigerian market summary, Consequently, food consumption patterns have been changing rapidly and quantitatively to meet the shortages. Importation of rice has been embarked on from time to time; irrespective of the regular bans within this periodThe following research questions were raised for the purpose of this study;
What are the factors affecting the preference switching among consumers from foreign to local rice in Umuahia metropolis? What are the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents? What are the various perceptions of consumers from foreign to local rice? After all findings and surveys on the budgetary systems and household consumption patterns and preference switching from foreign to local rice, I recommend that consumers should not overlook the influence of the above mentioned factors in their quest for consumption.
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of problem
1.3 Research question
1.4 Research Objective
1.5 Research Hypothesis
1.6 Justification of the study
1.7 Limitation of the study
2.1 Rice production in the world and in West Africa
2.2 Rice production in Nigeria
2.3 History of rice types in Nigeria
2.4 The Theory of Consumer Behaviour
2.5 The theory of consumer demand
2.6 An Overview of Consumer and Consumer Buying Behaviour
2.7 Consumers and Influencing Factors
2.8 Consumers' Use of Product Quality
2.9 Consumers Purchase Intention
2.10 Various Perceptions of Consumers towards Local Rice
3.1 Study area
3.2 Sources of data
3.3. Sampling Techniques
3.4 Method of data analysis
3.5 Models specifications/ analytical techniques
3.6 Analysis of the propose system
3.7 Justification of the proposed system
3.8 Methodology
4.1 Socio economic characteristics of the respondent
4.2 Various Perceptions of Consumers towards Local Rice
4.3 Factors affecting preference switching among consumers from foreign to local
5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusions
5.3 Recommendations
Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes
(2016, 05). Consumption Patterns And Preferences Switching Among Consumers From Foreign To Local Rice In Umuahia Metropolis Abia State, Nigeria.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 05, 2016, from https://projectstoc.com/read/7610/consumption-patterns-and-preferences-switching-among-consumers-from-foreign-to-local-rice-in-umuahia-metropolis-abia-state-nigeria-7611
"Consumption Patterns And Preferences Switching Among Consumers From Foreign To Local Rice In Umuahia Metropolis Abia State, Nigeria." ProjectStoc.com. 05 2016. 2016. 05 2016 <https://projectstoc.com/read/7610/consumption-patterns-and-preferences-switching-among-consumers-from-foreign-to-local-rice-in-umuahia-metropolis-abia-state-nigeria-7611>.
"Consumption Patterns And Preferences Switching Among Consumers From Foreign To Local Rice In Umuahia Metropolis Abia State, Nigeria.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 05 2016. Web. 05 2016. <https://projectstoc.com/read/7610/consumption-patterns-and-preferences-switching-among-consumers-from-foreign-to-local-rice-in-umuahia-metropolis-abia-state-nigeria-7611>.
"Consumption Patterns And Preferences Switching Among Consumers From Foreign To Local Rice In Umuahia Metropolis Abia State, Nigeria.." ProjectStoc.com. 05, 2016. Accessed 05, 2016. https://projectstoc.com/read/7610/consumption-patterns-and-preferences-switching-among-consumers-from-foreign-to-local-rice-in-umuahia-metropolis-abia-state-nigeria-7611.
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