Polya's Heuristics In Problem Solving Of Solid Shapes

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The Definition of a Problem 
A problem is anything or difficulty that requires a solution. A Mathematics problem is any problem which requires mathematics knowledge and skill to produce a solution to the problem. Problem solving involves a variety of skills. Problem-solving situations call upon children to retrieve previously learned information and apply it in new or varying situations. Knowing the basic arithmetic skills, knowing when to incorporate them into new contexts, and then being able to do so are three distinct skills. Having all three skills makes problem solving easier, but inability in one does not mean that a student does not understand a problem.

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(2016, 02). Polya's Heuristics In Problem Solving Of Solid Shapes.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 02, 2016, from https://projectstoc.com/read/7399/polya-s-heuristics-in-problem-solving-of-solid-shapes-8462
"Polya's Heuristics In Problem Solving Of Solid Shapes." ProjectStoc.com. 02 2016. 2016. 02 2016 <https://projectstoc.com/read/7399/polya-s-heuristics-in-problem-solving-of-solid-shapes-8462>.
"Polya's Heuristics In Problem Solving Of Solid Shapes.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 02 2016. Web. 02 2016. <https://projectstoc.com/read/7399/polya-s-heuristics-in-problem-solving-of-solid-shapes-8462>.
"Polya's Heuristics In Problem Solving Of Solid Shapes.." ProjectStoc.com. 02, 2016. Accessed 02, 2016. https://projectstoc.com/read/7399/polya-s-heuristics-in-problem-solving-of-solid-shapes-8462.

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