In recent decades, the main and potential contribution of agriculture to economic growth has been a subject of much controversy among development economists. As some contend that agricultural development is a pre-condition for industrialization, others strongly object it and argue for a different path. Taking advantage of ordinary least square method (OLS), the research carried out by means of secondary data and using the independent variables. Agricultural Development (AGD), Capital Formation (CFN) Inflation Rate (INF), and Interest Rate (INT) to re-examine the question of whether agriculture could serve as an engine of Economic growth in Nigeria. The result gotten from the empirical analysis shows that the productivity in agricultural sector has appreciably impacted positively on the economic growth in Nigeria.
TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Title Page ………………………………………….. i
Certification ……………………………………….. ii
Dedication……………………………………………. iii
Acknowledgements…………………………………… iv
Abstract………………………………………………… vi
Table of Contents…………………………………….. vii
In recent decades, the main and potential contribution of agriculture to economic growth has been a subject of much controversy among development economists. As some contend that agricultural development is a pre-condition for industrialization, others strongly object it and argue for a different path. Taking advantage of ordinary least square method (OLS), the research carried out by means of secondary data and using the independent variables. Agricultural Development (AGD), Capital Formation (CFN) Inflation Rate (INF), and Interest Rate (INT) to re-examine the question of whether agriculture could serve as an engine of Economic growth in Nigeria. The result gotten from the empirical analysis shows that the productivity in agricultural sector has appreciably impacted positively on the economic growth in Nigeria.
TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Title Page ………………………………………….. i
Certification ……………………………………….. ii
Dedication……………………………………………. iii
Acknowledgements…………………………………… iv
Abstract………………………………………………… vi
Table of Contents…………………………………….. vii
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background of the Study…………………….. 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem……………………… 6
1.3 Objectives of the Study………………………… 11
1.4 Statement of Hypothesis………………………. 11
1.5 Significance of the Study………………… ….. 11
1.6 Scope and Limitation………………………….. 13
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Theoretical Literature………………………….. 14
2.1.1 Agricultural Linkages and Economic Growth and Development…………………….. 18
2.1.2 Problems Associated with Agricultural Development……………………… 19
2.1.3 Impact of Food Importation………………….. 22
2.2. Empirical Literature……………………………. 24
2.2.1 Agriculture and Poverty Reduction……… 25
2.2.2 Agriculture and Nutrition…………………… 26
2.2.3 Limitation of Previous Studies…………….. 31
1.2 Statement of the Problem……………………… 6
1.3 Objectives of the Study………………………… 11
1.4 Statement of Hypothesis………………………. 11
1.5 Significance of the Study………………… ….. 11
1.6 Scope and Limitation………………………….. 13
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Theoretical Literature………………………….. 14
2.1.1 Agricultural Linkages and Economic Growth and Development…………………….. 18
2.1.2 Problems Associated with Agricultural Development……………………… 19
2.1.3 Impact of Food Importation………………….. 22
2.2. Empirical Literature……………………………. 24
2.2.1 Agriculture and Poverty Reduction……… 25
2.2.2 Agriculture and Nutrition…………………… 26
2.2.3 Limitation of Previous Studies…………….. 31
3.1 Area of Study and Coverage……………….. 33
3.2 Model Specification ………………………….. 34
3.3 Data Sources …………………………………. 36
3.4 Method of Evaluation ………………………... 36
4.1 Presentation of Result ……………………… 40
4.1.1 Analysis of Results Based on Economic criteria …………………………... 41
4.1.2 Summary of the Aprior Signs…………..... 42
4.2 Analysis Based on Statistical Criteria (1st Order Test) ……………………... 42
4.2.1 Coefficient of multiple determinations (R2) 42
4.2.2 Test of Significance of the Parameter (t-test) 43
4.2.3 The f-statistics test…………………………….. 45
4.3 Econometrics Test or (2nd Order Test)…….. 46
4.3.1 Test for Autocorrelation ……………..……… 46
4.3.2 Heteroskedasticity Test…………………… 47
4.3.3 Normality Test……………………………… 48
4.3.4 Multi-Collinearity Test …………………... 49
5.1 Summary …………………………………. 50
5.2 Policy Recommendation………………… 50
5.3 Conclusion ……………………………… 53
Bibliography……………………………… 54
3.1 Area of Study and Coverage……………….. 33
3.2 Model Specification ………………………….. 34
3.3 Data Sources …………………………………. 36
3.4 Method of Evaluation ………………………... 36
4.1 Presentation of Result ……………………… 40
4.1.1 Analysis of Results Based on Economic criteria …………………………... 41
4.1.2 Summary of the Aprior Signs…………..... 42
4.2 Analysis Based on Statistical Criteria (1st Order Test) ……………………... 42
4.2.1 Coefficient of multiple determinations (R2) 42
4.2.2 Test of Significance of the Parameter (t-test) 43
4.2.3 The f-statistics test…………………………….. 45
4.3 Econometrics Test or (2nd Order Test)…….. 46
4.3.1 Test for Autocorrelation ……………..……… 46
4.3.2 Heteroskedasticity Test…………………… 47
4.3.3 Normality Test……………………………… 48
4.3.4 Multi-Collinearity Test …………………... 49
5.1 Summary …………………………………. 50
5.2 Policy Recommendation………………… 50
5.3 Conclusion ……………………………… 53
Bibliography……………………………… 54
Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes
(2016, 01). The Impact Of Agricultural Development On Nigeria Economic Growth (2000-2014).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 01, 2016, from https://projectstoc.com/read/7114/the-impact-of-agricultural-development-on-nigeria-economic-growth-2000-2014-8149
"The Impact Of Agricultural Development On Nigeria Economic Growth (2000-2014)." ProjectStoc.com. 01 2016. 2016. 01 2016 <https://projectstoc.com/read/7114/the-impact-of-agricultural-development-on-nigeria-economic-growth-2000-2014-8149>.
"The Impact Of Agricultural Development On Nigeria Economic Growth (2000-2014).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 01 2016. Web. 01 2016. <https://projectstoc.com/read/7114/the-impact-of-agricultural-development-on-nigeria-economic-growth-2000-2014-8149>.
"The Impact Of Agricultural Development On Nigeria Economic Growth (2000-2014).." ProjectStoc.com. 01, 2016. Accessed 01, 2016. https://projectstoc.com/read/7114/the-impact-of-agricultural-development-on-nigeria-economic-growth-2000-2014-8149.
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