Scope And Limitation Of Electronic Voting System

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In democratic countries, voting is an vital tool to collect and re-act people‘s views. In the elections, the election of member of the assembly, the head of local/state government election, and others, a voter can cast vote after going to the designated polling place and checking his identity.  Conventionally, voting booth is used for casting votes in both centralized and distributed places. Voting is done under the supervision of authorized parties. Counting of votes is done manually once the election is over. But with the rapid growth of electronic voting system, computer technology and cryptographic methods can be used that substitute the occurrence and most significantly error-prone human Component. To increase the productivity and accuracy of voting processes, electronic voting systems were developed to help accumulating and counting the votes. It comprises Lever Voting Machines, Punched Cards for Voting, Optical Mark-Sense Scanners and Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) voting systems.     In this paper, we recommend an electronic voting system that lets a voter to be identified using a wireless certificate without furthermore registering when a user votes using his mobile device such as a mobile phone or a PDA. We also propose a process that guarantees the confidentiality of voter and the secrecy of vote content. By our electronic voting system, a voter can cast his vote more easily and conveniently than the existing electronic voting using internet, within the planned time period anywhere even when a voter is not able to access internet on a voting day. Our suggestion can be used in all kinds of elections national as well as state/local elections. Our goal is not to design a cryptographically provable protocol [1] but to demonstrate electronic voting model and to define a voting procedure. 
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(2015, 12). Scope And Limitation Of Electronic Voting System.. Retrieved 12, 2015, from
"Scope And Limitation Of Electronic Voting System." 12 2015. 2015. 12 2015 <>.
"Scope And Limitation Of Electronic Voting System..", 12 2015. Web. 12 2015. <>.
"Scope And Limitation Of Electronic Voting System.." 12, 2015. Accessed 12, 2015.

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