Energy Processing And Utilization

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This book aims to introduce the student to Energy resources and fundamentals of combustion.
The subject matter of the entire text has been arranged in the most commonly used order of preference and with ten chapters. 
The first three chapters deal with Energy resources, nature, Energy relationships in chemical system and the availability analysis. 
Chapter four of this text is confined to wood and its analysis as fuel.
Chapter five deal with fossil fuel, its formation and utilization.
Chapter six treats solid fuel, coal formation, uses,  coal analysis, conversion and storage. It also touched coal carbonization. 
Chapter seven deal with liquid fuel. Crude oil and the distillation process.
Chapter eight concerns itself with the migration of petroleum, form and exploration method.
Chapter nine can classified as dealing with gaseous fuel, reservoirs, well and gas drive reservoirs.
Chapter ten is an exposition of combustion. I also establish the selected applications of air fuel ratio, percentage theoretical air, excess air, actual air and dew point in combustion process.  
This book should be useful to undergraduate and graduate students who require a good knowledge of Energy and some of its important applications.
When our students have finished this course I expect them to be conversant with Energy and its utilization. I emphasize physical understanding throughout to make students aware of the variety of phenomena that can occur in fuel technology. I believe that students will feel confident in their ability to tackle energy crises in the society.
The book is also well suited for independent study by students or practicing Engineers. 
The readability and clear examples help to build student confidence. 


Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Preface v
Table of contents   vii

Chapter One
Energy Resources 1
Sources of Power 1
Renewable and non Renewable  Energy 6
Conservation of Energy 10

Chapter Two
The Nature of Energy 12
Energy Changes in Chemical Reaction 17
Fuels 47
Future Energy Sources 54
Depletion of Resources 59

Chapter Three
Exergy Analysis 69
Availability 72
Chapter Four
 Wood 79
Physical Properties of Wood 81
Heat Values of Wood 83
Chapter Five
Fossil Fuels 86
Fossil Fuels Formation 87
Environmental Interpretation 89

Chapter six
Solid fuels 91
Coal 91
Schematic Diagram of Coal 92
Coal Analysis 95
Coal processing 99
Atmospheric and Ecological Pollution 104
Synthetic Natural Gas from Coal or Petroleum109

Chapter Seven
Liquid Fuels 123
Natural and Origin of Petroleum 123
Properties of petroleum 126
Distillation 146

Chapter Eight
Migration 149
Type of Migration 151
Forms of Migration 152
Reservoir 158

Chapter Nine
Gaseous Fuels 161
End-uses for Nigeria’s Natural Gas 182

Chapter Ten
Combustion 185
Analysis by Grass-gravimetric Analysis 202
Analysis by volume 204
Combustion Process 206

Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes


(2015, 12). Energy Processing And Utilization.. Retrieved 12, 2015, from
"Energy Processing And Utilization." 12 2015. 2015. 12 2015 <>.
"Energy Processing And Utilization..", 12 2015. Web. 12 2015. <>.
"Energy Processing And Utilization.." 12, 2015. Accessed 12, 2015.

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