Impact An Appraisal Of The Nigeria Civil Service Administration

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The effective and efficient organization of any enterprise depends, to a large extent on its administrative machinery. The effectiveness of the machinery depends more on its arrangement and expertise. This is to say that the issues of organization and personnel resources are indispensable and vital in the operation of any enterprise. In the order word the importance of or the effects of lack of proper arrangement, availability of personnel and its development programmes in civil service need not to be under estimated.

The civil service as one of the arms of government that is more concerned with the implementation of government policies and programmes for the benefit of the people and the government has not really performed up to the standard expected of it. There have been various accusation ranging from poor performance contradiction within the service and so on.

Some of the accusation is centered more on the organization and attitudes inherent in the service.
To this ends, Dike (1985) maintained that among other weaknesses of the civil service includes “poor organization over staffing, Indiscipline, red-tapism, insensitivity rigidity and over centralization apathy incompetence and favoritism rudeness and high handedness.

No doubt a lot has been said and written about civil service in Newspaper, magazine, journals, Radio, Periodical and Television set etc.
The aim of the study therefore was to examine the administration name of Nigeria civil service with view to;

Finding out the structural arrangement, personnel requirement and career programme of the civil service can affect the performance of the service.

Basic on the above findings, attempts will be made to find various ways of improving the service.
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(2015, 11). Impact An Appraisal Of The Nigeria Civil Service Administration.. Retrieved 11, 2015, from
"Impact An Appraisal Of The Nigeria Civil Service Administration." 11 2015. 2015. 11 2015 <>.
"Impact An Appraisal Of The Nigeria Civil Service Administration..", 11 2015. Web. 11 2015. <>.
"Impact An Appraisal Of The Nigeria Civil Service Administration.." 11, 2015. Accessed 11, 2015.

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