Improving The Performance Of A. C. Voltage Stabilizer Using Parallel Cascaded Relays.

ProjectStoc - 14 pages 2752 words 1387 views Paper All Levels Electrical Electronics Engineering ₦2000 Naira ($5.26 USD)

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This work entails design, construction, packaging and evaluation of a prototype  automatic a.c. voltage stabilizer using parallel cascaded relays. The unit was cascaded to provide more switching contacts on the auto-transformer. The overall system design is a compact assembly encased in a portable metal box with handle which can operate on 90v minimal input voltage. In this paper, a parallel cascaded relay  what is essential was implemented in the design of voltage stabilizer damp power system oscillation so that electrical power supplied to appliances remains constant over a range of values. This new approach of parallel cascading the switching relays to provide considerable of voltage was implement and tested.  The result obtained from testing with variable a.c. source shows that the voltage stabilizer which was implemented with parallel cascaded relays gives efficiency of 15% increase when compared with our conventional voltage stabilizers.    

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(2015, 09). Improving The Performance Of A. C. Voltage Stabilizer Using Parallel Cascaded Relays... Retrieved 09, 2015, from
"Improving The Performance Of A. C. Voltage Stabilizer Using Parallel Cascaded Relays.." 09 2015. 2015. 09 2015 <>.
"Improving The Performance Of A. C. Voltage Stabilizer Using Parallel Cascaded Relays...", 09 2015. Web. 09 2015. <>.
"Improving The Performance Of A. C. Voltage Stabilizer Using Parallel Cascaded Relays..." 09, 2015. Accessed 09, 2015.

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