The problem of poor organization and access to child and maternal health services has always been a major challenge in Nigeria. In the recent past there has been a growing interest in Traditional medicine and their relevance to child and maternalhealth both in developed and developing countries. Diversity, flexibility, easy accessibility, broad continuing acceptance in developing countries and increasing popularity in developed countries, relative low cost, low levels of technological input, relative low side effects and growing economic importance are some of the positive features of traditional medicine this study is to examine the role traditional healthcare providers play in child and maternal healthcare delivery in Kaduna North Local Government. In collecting data for this research, the probability of random sampling technique was used as method within the LGA consented to providing information, through administered questionnaires. The study revealed equipments used in traditional healthcare are hygienic and clean, the providers are very respectful to women and children and women and children care for by traditional healthcare providers recovers well. Traditional health care providers are preferable because their services is very fast and they are very efficient in the treatment of malaria among children and menstrual cramp among women. The major challenge of this sector of healthcare delivery is shortage of fund and in this regards government should put more fund into this sector of our health care system.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study -------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 Statement of problem --------------------------------------------------------------------- 41.3 Research question --------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
1.4 Significance of the study---------------------------------------------------------------- 10
1.5 Scope of the study ------------------------------------------------------------------- 11
1.5 Definition of terms ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 12CHAPTER TWO
2.1 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 162.2 The effectiveness of traditional healthcare providers in child and maternal healthcare services ---------------------------------16
2.3 The accessibility of traditional health care providers in child and maternal healthcare ----------------------------------------31
2.4 The challenges experienced by traditional health care providers in child and maternal healthcare ------------------------------- 44
2.5 Theoretical Framework ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 49
2.5.1 Structural Functionalist ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 49CHAPTER THREE
3.1 INTRODUCTION3.2 Location of the study---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------52
3.3 Sources of data collection --------------------------------------------------------------------- 53
3.4 Sample Size and sampling method ------------------------------------------------------------- 54
3.5 Method of data collection ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 56
3.6 Method of data analysis------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56
3.7 Problems encountered from the field---------------------------------------------------------------57
4.0 Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------584.1 Socio- demographic characteristics of respondents -----------------------------------------------58
5.1 Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77
5.2 Summary---------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------77
5.2 Discussion of the findings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 78
5.3 Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 80
5.4 Recommendations------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 80
REFERENCES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 83
Appendix I: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 94
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