The Influence Of Working Condition On The Performance Of Secretaries In Organisations

ProjectStoc - 7 pages 2112 words 2061 views Seminar Degree Level Office Technology And Management ₦1500 Naira ($3.95 USD)

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The study examined the influence of working conditions on the performance of secretaries in four (4) selected organizations in Ondo state using a cross-sectional design of well structured questionnaires. Thirty five (35) samples of the questionnaires were produced, distributed and administered upon by the secretaries of the selected organization. The questionnaires were analyzed using chi-square (Xcal) as the statistical tools with the aid of statistical software known as Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), version 15. The findings in the study revealed that the appraising factor that enhances secretaries working conditions in an organization is not evenly distributed due to the different values of relationship they benefited from their respective organization where they are executing their responsibility.
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(2015, 03). The Influence Of Working Condition On The Performance Of Secretaries In Organisations.. Retrieved 03, 2015, from
"The Influence Of Working Condition On The Performance Of Secretaries In Organisations." 03 2015. 2015. 03 2015 <>.
"The Influence Of Working Condition On The Performance Of Secretaries In Organisations..", 03 2015. Web. 03 2015. <>.
"The Influence Of Working Condition On The Performance Of Secretaries In Organisations.." 03, 2015. Accessed 03, 2015.

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