Secondary Education In Nigeria

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The Federal Republic of Nigeria (2004) National Policy on Education Section 5, No 20 contains the widely acceptable definition of Secondary Education. The policy defines secondary education as the education children receive after primary education and before the tertiary stage. The Broad goals of secondary education according to the document shall be to prepare the individual for useful living within the society; and higher education. 
The Federal Republic of Nigeria saw education as one of the impotents tool or instrument for solving the social, political, economical and technological problems in the Nation. In the National Policy of Education of Federal Republic of Nigeria, Secondary Education was seen as one of the important agency for the actualization of the stipulated goals. 
Ogbonoiya, (2003) presented the definitions of secondary education as the form of education which children receive automatically after they have received primary school education. It constitutes post primary education and sometimes serves as a link between primary and university education. It is suitable for children who have received primary education. Unlike pre-primary education, the National Policy on Education is not the first official document to give recognition to secondary education. Secondary education has been there from the colonial era. 
Secondary, secondary education in Nigeria is a six – year programme, comprising of the junior secondary and senior secondary school. Each level is of three years duration. The curriculum of the senior secondary schools are comprehensive and diversified in nature. At junior secondary levels students are taught both academic and pre-vocational subjects.   
The importance of secondary education in the actualization of nations broad objectives cannot be over emphasized. Ogboma (2003) highlighted some importance of secondary education in his book. These includes: 
1) Secondary education is a stepping stone to higher education. It provides an opportunity for primary school leaves to acquire more knowledge, develop skill and prepare them to live effectively in our changing society. 
2) Another importance of secondary education is that it helps to provide good citizens whose greatest pride is in this contribution to the happiness and joy of others and of themselves through hardwood, sacrificial tolerance, diligence, kindness, consideration, sympathy and truthfulness. 
3) Secondary education inspires in the youths the desire for achievements and self improvement both at home and elsewhere. 
4) The broad and diversified curriculum of secondary education provides for differences for talents and opportunities some secondary school graduates are of the junior secondary school level while some continue to senior secondary. Others go into technical trades and crafts, commercial area, or academic areas.

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(2015, 01). Secondary Education In Nigeria.. Retrieved 01, 2015, from
"Secondary Education In Nigeria." 01 2015. 2015. 01 2015 <>.
"Secondary Education In Nigeria..", 01 2015. Web. 01 2015. <>.
"Secondary Education In Nigeria.." 01, 2015. Accessed 01, 2015.

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