Teenage Pregnancy And How It Affects The Educational Development Of Our Teenagers

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The main concern of this study was to final out the teenage pregnancy and how it affects the educational development of our teenagers in Kaura Local Government Area of Kaduna state. The study emphasized on the factor behind teenage pregnancy in the local government. The study revealed that teenage pregnancy is as a result of the following, teenage girls having relationship with older male counterparts, watching pornographic films without adult guidance, giving them out in marriage to prevent them from prostituting inadequate information on sex education. The study indicated that despite the attitudes parents towards teaching of sex education, there were some problems, which need to be seriously looked into by the Kaduna state government, such as the inclusion of sex education at home or at school. The study also emphasized on the attitudes of the local government area on the concept on teenage pregnancy and it was discovered by the researcher that sex education is need in the Nation’s school in view of the current incidence of teenage pregnancies, child abandonment, illegal abortion, rape and sexually transmitted diseases. 
Title page       - - - i
Declaration - - - ii
Approval page - - - iii
Dedication - - - iv
Acknowledgement- - v
Abstract - - - - vi
Table of contents - - vii
List of tables - - - ix

1.0   Introduction - - - 1
1.1   Statement of the problem - 3
1.2 Significance of the study 4
1.3 Research questions - 4
1.4 Delimitation of the study - 5
1.5 Limitation of study

Literature Review
2.0 Concept of teenage pregnancy - - - - - 7
2.1 Disadvantages of teenage pregnancy - - - 10

Research Methodology
3.0 Introduction - - - 15
3.1 Research instrument 15
3.2 Population and sample selection - - - - - 16
3.3 Procedure of data collection - - - - - 17
3.4 Treatment of data

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(2014, 08). Teenage Pregnancy And How It Affects The Educational Development Of Our Teenagers.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 08, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/2628/teenage-pregnancy-and-how-it-affects-the-educational-development-of-our-teenagers-7451
"Teenage Pregnancy And How It Affects The Educational Development Of Our Teenagers." ProjectStoc.com. 08 2014. 2014. 08 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/2628/teenage-pregnancy-and-how-it-affects-the-educational-development-of-our-teenagers-7451>.
"Teenage Pregnancy And How It Affects The Educational Development Of Our Teenagers.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 08 2014. Web. 08 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/2628/teenage-pregnancy-and-how-it-affects-the-educational-development-of-our-teenagers-7451>.
"Teenage Pregnancy And How It Affects The Educational Development Of Our Teenagers.." ProjectStoc.com. 08, 2014. Accessed 08, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/2628/teenage-pregnancy-and-how-it-affects-the-educational-development-of-our-teenagers-7451.

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