Distress In Banking Sector How To Avert Future Occurrence

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This study is based on x – raying financial distress in the banking sector, the apex transaction boot of our economy. 
It is however interesting to note that this study not only would expose also would examine the various mechanism that have been put in place, mostly and especially in the sector, for the handling of thesis may harm in our banking industry and economy. 
In this context, this study is expected to help other financial house of the Nigeria economy or the managerial cadre and government enforced discipline and strict measure to culprits and defaulters in the industry and this would enhance proper operation and healthy growth of the industry and economy. 
Secondary data instrument are mainly use by the researcher. The findings were made based on the data collected. 
It was discovered that poor financial planning weak control and supervising measures, lack of accounting database and government adverse policies or reforms were main cause of financial distress etc. 
The findings also revealed that the high rate of unqualified personal and indiscipline contributed greatly to this concept. 
In light of above findings, the researcher made some necessary and useful recommendation that if government and financial banking management adhere to would help to arrest and foster rapid growth and increase profit maximization to the banking sector and boost our economic and economy position.    

Title page 
Approval page 
Table of content 

1.1 Statement of the problem 
1.2 Reasons of the study 
1.3 Significance of the study 
1.4 Definition of terms 

Review of related literature 
2.1 Distress in the Nigeria banking industry 
2.2 What constitute banks distress                 
2.3 The causes of banks distress 
2.4 How to avert future occurrences of distress 

Hypothesis methodology sources of data and limitation of study 
3.1 Hypothesis 
3.2 Methodology of study 
3.3 Sources of data 
3.4 Limitation of study 

Presentation of data, analysis of data and discussion of results 
4.1 Data presentation 
4.2 Analysis of data 
4.3 Discussion of the result of the analysis    

Summary, conclusion and recommendation 
5.1 Summary 
5.2 Conclusion                                            
5.3 Recommendation   
5.4 Suggestion for further  studies   


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(2014, 12). Distress In Banking Sector How To Avert Future Occurrence.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 12, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/5877/distress-in-banking-sector-how-to-avert-future-occurrence-7256
"Distress In Banking Sector How To Avert Future Occurrence." ProjectStoc.com. 12 2014. 2014. 12 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/5877/distress-in-banking-sector-how-to-avert-future-occurrence-7256>.
"Distress In Banking Sector How To Avert Future Occurrence.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 12 2014. Web. 12 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/5877/distress-in-banking-sector-how-to-avert-future-occurrence-7256>.
"Distress In Banking Sector How To Avert Future Occurrence.." ProjectStoc.com. 12, 2014. Accessed 12, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/5877/distress-in-banking-sector-how-to-avert-future-occurrence-7256.

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