This work started with an extensive literacy research in an attempt to find out facts about the Nigerian Universities planning information system in conjunction with the functions of the computer equipment. This led to probing the history of National Universities Commission which provides the guidelines for the system, and also that of the computer machine, its development up to the suit where this aid of the equipment in different techniques were made. The computer equipment aids aid the planning system procedures with due reference to its mode of operation and its procedural functions were discussed, computer software of high flexibility was deviced to execute network analysis, using D-BASE, computer based planning information system is the name of this software package modular program design approach, D-BASE coding structures etc, were used to program development, it features an elaborate software package that is designed to simplify matters for the user by assisting him and providing information for decision making. This package accept, store and displays strings of symbols that are grouped in various ways.
An organization cannot function without information; hence an information system is to the organization as what the nervous system is to the body. A lack of information (for good information) may seriously impair the effectiveness of an organization. This work is in the area of projection of student enrolment being one of the functions of the academic programme activity unit.
The Enugu State University (ESUT) planning information system of the planning directorate was used as a model.
Managing information generated were used for project control. This involves information gathering and data analysis on viz;
(i) University’s organigrams;
(ii) Schedule of duties of the concerned units.
Title Page
Organization of work
Table of content
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.4 Significance of the study
1.5 Scope of the study
1.6 Definition of terms
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Computer and Education
3.0 Description and Analysis of the existing system
3.1 Method of data collection
3.2 Input, process, output analyses
3.3 Objectives of the existing system
3.4 Problems of the existing system
3.5 Justification for the new system
4.0 Design of the new system
4.1 Input specification and design
4.2 Output specification and Design
4.3 Procedure chart
4.5 System flowchart
4.5 System requirement
4.5.1 Hardware requirement
4.5.2 Software requirement
5.0 System Implementation and programming
5.1 Program design
5.2 Program flowchart
5.3 Set up new record
5.4 Modify record
5.5 Print record
5.6 Test run
6.0 System Documentation
6.1 User documentation
6.2 Program documentation
6.3 Operator documentation
7.0 Recommendation and Conclusion
7.1 Recommendation
7.2 Conclusion
Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes
(2014, 12). Design And Implementation Of A Computer Based Information System For The Projection Of Student’s Enrolment In Universities.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 12, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/5555/design-and-implementation-of-a-computer-based-information-system-for-the-projection-of-student-rsquo-s-enrolment-in-universities-8464
"Design And Implementation Of A Computer Based Information System For The Projection Of Student’s Enrolment In Universities." ProjectStoc.com. 12 2014. 2014. 12 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/5555/design-and-implementation-of-a-computer-based-information-system-for-the-projection-of-student-rsquo-s-enrolment-in-universities-8464>.
"Design And Implementation Of A Computer Based Information System For The Projection Of Student’s Enrolment In Universities.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 12 2014. Web. 12 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/5555/design-and-implementation-of-a-computer-based-information-system-for-the-projection-of-student-rsquo-s-enrolment-in-universities-8464>.
"Design And Implementation Of A Computer Based Information System For The Projection Of Student’s Enrolment In Universities.." ProjectStoc.com. 12, 2014. Accessed 12, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/5555/design-and-implementation-of-a-computer-based-information-system-for-the-projection-of-student-rsquo-s-enrolment-in-universities-8464.
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