Examination malpractice is common in most of our higher institutions in Nigeria. It was its peak in the “70s” as cited by Nnamani P. Hence we hear expo, (1973) common among the secondary school leavers.
Nowadays, “expo” as it is commonly called is practiced even by children in the kindergarten primary institutions according to a nursery | primary school teacher. She observed that after writing on the black board certain words, concepts or ideals to be dictated to the children based on their (children’s) cognitive level, some exam cheats would quickly scriple it on their desks or at the back of their papers. Then, during the dictation session, those cheats would copy from it. Therefore a good and careful teacher is an assent in teaching, learning| Experiences for he or she could easily pick up such fraudulent children.
The importance of an efficient and well integrated teaching services in the development of any nation cannot be over emphasized because exam malpractice in the higher institutions in Nigeria, which is the highest citadel of learning from kindergarten, primary, secondary schools and then tertiary institutions, and it constituted an act of indiscipline.
The academic conception of discipline shows it as a part or branch of studies. That is why on the last convocation of institute of management and Technology, the school management or authority cited that certificate was issued both in character and in learning” ( Njeze C. 1997).
To achieve the above ideal, the lecturers’ roles are invaluable. This assertion was supported by Uka (1995) who declared that “ on the health of the nation”. it should be remembered that these students would become ( in future) the leader of tomorrow (Ibian 1986) also cried out that “in every society, the teacher is number 1 and in his care lies my children and yours”
Ukeje (1980) asserted that education is now, perhaps the fastest growing industry in the country.
“Yet bedaiked by indiscipline activities like exam malpractices, cultism in schools, sexual promiscuity, prostitution, alcoholism, drug addition to maintain but a few. It should be noted that some states in the federation allocate upward of 30% of their annual budget to education. Yet, all over the country cited Ukeje (1980) there is a growing crises of supply and demand in education, everything connected to education is in short supply. In some states there is apparent confusion if not utter chaos.
The major problem is that indiscipline in schools especially in higher institutions has assumed epidemic proportion. Initially, government stopped in 1975 and redoubled its efforts in 1977 when it set a national conference meant for schools administrators where about 245 school administrators attended and made some useful suggestions. Later government set up War Against Indiscipline and WAI Brigade of which graduates are encouraged to be members. MAMSER-Mass Mobilization for Social Justice and Economic Recovery which is now replaced with National Orientation Agency (WOA). These schemes were hatched to dissuade the youths from involving themselves in disciplinary actions including cheating during examination.
To eradicate this despicable offence in school, the lecturers must be given top priority in terms of incentives `since they will bear the brunt from these fraudulent undergraduates whose disciplinary behaviours emanate from other sources like the home, peer group, elders, mass media like TV and the society generally. With the increase in cult activities in schools especially IMT who may use their clandestine mischief against the disciplinary lectures. It is unfortunate that a lot of lecturers have not been paid for 2 months now. A good working condition which involves adequate remuneration with fringe benefits with even professional allowances would encourage the teachers or lecturers to dam what ever retribution that would visit them in punishing examination fraudulent students.
The present Rector of the IMT, Dr Njeze c. had a strong disciplinary examination committee which even set an example with the rector’s cousin, yet examination malpractices has continued to increase debated. Consequently, most may wish to influence members of the committee in cash and in kind. Most students do not stay in school and do not attend lectures to the extent that they do not even know their lecturers facially. These class of students openly request for handout, which is banner in the IMT. The handout if gotten was easily converted to expo or malpractice material for copying during examination some of them who involve themselves in invisible “expo” are never caught by supervisors.
Some of these students from very wealthy homes hire mercenary (expo agents)who write examination for them ready to face rustication if discovered and caught by supervisors. The fact is that these categories of students are not even qualified to take exams if proved that they do not make maximum attendance of lecture as required by the school rule and regulation.
To be cordial, some regular students are working class people and they cannot leave their jobs in fear of not getting any in the future. Consequently, they are unable to meet the attendance requirement and lack the academic stuff to seat for examination without cheating. It will also be observed that some lecturers still prefers to pass a students who bought his handout or whose names are normally entered in their records rather than students that gave the stuff without purchasing or buying their handouts.
Cover page
Title page
Approval page
1.1 General background of the subject matter
1.2 Problems associated with the subject matter
1.3 Problem(s) that the study will be concerned with
1.4 The importance of studying the area
1.5 Definition of important terms
1.6 (Chapter) reference
2.1 Literature review
2.2 The origin of the study area
2.3 Schools of thought within the subject area
2.4 The schools of thought relevant to the problems of the study
2.5 Different methods of studying the problem
2.6 Summary
3.1 Conclusion
3.2 Data presentation (highlights of the study)
3.3 Analysis of the date
3.4 Recommendation
3.5 Conclusions
Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes
(2014, 12). The Problems Of Examination Malpractice In Higher Institutions And How To Solve Them- A Special Reference To Imt Enugu... Retrieved 12, 2014, from
"The Problems Of Examination Malpractice In Higher Institutions And How To Solve Them- A Special Reference To Imt Enugu.." 12 2014. 2014. 12 2014 <>.
"The Problems Of Examination Malpractice In Higher Institutions And How To Solve Them- A Special Reference To Imt Enugu...", 12 2014. Web. 12 2014. <>.
"The Problems Of Examination Malpractice In Higher Institutions And How To Solve Them- A Special Reference To Imt Enugu..." 12, 2014. Accessed 12, 2014.
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