This research was designed to appraise the effectiveness of personal selling in the marketing of industrial products in Enugu Metropolis (A Case Study of Emenite Plc Enugu).
The researcher set out with the following objectives.
To find out the effectiveness of personal selling of Emenite in creating customers awareness of their products.
To determine the impact of personal selling on increasing the sales volume of Emenite.
To what extent selling impacts on the profit of the company.
Based on the above objectives, extensive literature review on test books, journals, and newspapers was carried out. Questionnaire were prepared and administered to a population comprising customers, distributors and management/relevant staff of Emenite in Enugu. Topman formular was used to determine the sample size of distributors and customers. Chi-square was used to test the hypotheses.
The following findings were made personal selling activities of Emenite lead to increased sales, although one discovered that some of these sales representatives are not too effective, this is because the company deals on technical items that personal selling activities of Emenite Nigeria are effective in creating customers awareness of their products.
That personal selling activities of Emenite impacts positively on the profit of the company.
Based on these findings the researcher made the following recommendations that will enhance positive effect on the company. The company should make adequate budget provision for their sales representatives.
The company should recruit and properly in increase in sales and better performance of the company.
If the above recommendations are carried out, the company will not only serve their customers better but also bring in improved profit to the organization.
Cover page
Title page
Approval page
Table of contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 The research hypothesis
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Scope of the study
1.7 Definition of the terms
2.0 Literature review
2.1 Overview of marketing
2.2 Overview of personal selling
2.3 Personal selling process
2.4 Importance of personal selling
2.5 Characteristics of professional industrial salesperson
2.6 Characteristics of industrial product
2.7 Personal selling objective
2.8 Selection and training of salesman
2.9 Salesman compensation
2.10 Evaluation of salesman
2.11 Problems involved in personal selling
3.0 Research methodology
3.1 Sources of data
3.2 Population of the study
3.3 Sample size determination
3.4 Research instrument used
3.5 Questionnaire allocation and administration
3.6 Validation of research instruments
3.7 Method of data analysis
3.8 Limitation of the study
4.0 Presentation and analysis of data
4.1 Data presentation analysis and
4.2 Test of hypotheses
5.0 Summary of findings, recommendations and conclusion
5.1 Summary of findings
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Bibliography
5.5 Appendix
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(2014, 12). The Effectiveness Of Personal Selling In The Marketing Of Industrial Product In Enugu Metropolies (a Case Study Emenit Nigeria Plc).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 12, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/5413/the-effectiveness-of-personal-selling-in-the-marketing-of-industrial-product-in-enugu-metropolies-a-case-study-emenit-nigeria-plc-8772
"The Effectiveness Of Personal Selling In The Marketing Of Industrial Product In Enugu Metropolies (a Case Study Emenit Nigeria Plc)." ProjectStoc.com. 12 2014. 2014. 12 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/5413/the-effectiveness-of-personal-selling-in-the-marketing-of-industrial-product-in-enugu-metropolies-a-case-study-emenit-nigeria-plc-8772>.
"The Effectiveness Of Personal Selling In The Marketing Of Industrial Product In Enugu Metropolies (a Case Study Emenit Nigeria Plc).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 12 2014. Web. 12 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/5413/the-effectiveness-of-personal-selling-in-the-marketing-of-industrial-product-in-enugu-metropolies-a-case-study-emenit-nigeria-plc-8772>.
"The Effectiveness Of Personal Selling In The Marketing Of Industrial Product In Enugu Metropolies (a Case Study Emenit Nigeria Plc).." ProjectStoc.com. 12, 2014. Accessed 12, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/5413/the-effectiveness-of-personal-selling-in-the-marketing-of-industrial-product-in-enugu-metropolies-a-case-study-emenit-nigeria-plc-8772.
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