Assessment Of Internal Control System In Government Establishment. (a Case Study Of Unth, Enugu)

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The primary objective of this project work is to discern the impact of internal control system assessment in government establishment using university of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu as a case study.  Many people think of internal control system as a highly technical field which can be understood only by professional Auditors.  Actually nearly every establishment practices internal control in one form or another on an almost daily bases.
However, internal control system therefore could be viewed as a firms or organizational plan including all methods and measures taken to:
i) Safeguard its assets 
ii) Ensure the accuracy and reliability of its accounting data
iii) Promote operational efficiency and 
iv) Encourage compliance with the organizational policy.
These are the main concern of this research work efforts have been made in this research work to explain the normal governmental internal control systems, and its usage as an aid to asses government establishments.  Also, the two categories of internal control are discussed.  Various internal control procedures being practised in university of Nigeria Teaching Hospital are identified.
The findings were that internal control system needs urgent attention so as to ensure strict compliance to management  policy.
Finally, in this research work, there is a constructive explanation of scope, objective, basis concepts and principles of internal control applicable in government establishment as an aid to solving the problem of expenditure control.  The researcher therefore conclude that for internal control to be effective, emphasis should be placed on the accountability morality, integrity, Honesty, ethics and behaviours of the officers operating the system.

Title page ii
Certification iii
Dedications iv
Acknowledgement v
Table of contents vi
Abstracts ix

Introduction 1
1.1 Background of study 1
1.2 Purpose of the study 5
1.3 Statements of problem 5
1.4 Research Questions/hypothesis 6
1.5 Significance of the study 7
1.6 Scoped of study 7
1.7 Definition of important terms 8

Review of Literature 9
2.1 Introduction 9
2.2 Assessment of internal control 10
2.3 Internal control objectives 14
2.4 Internal control techniques 19
2.5 Internal audit 23
2.6 Budgetary control 27
2.7 Independent of auditors 30

Methodology 32
3.1 Design of the study 32
3.2 Area of the study 32
3.3 Population 32
3.4 Sample and sampling procedure 32
3.5 Instrument for data collection 33
3.6 Validity of the instrument 33
3.7 Reliability of the instrument 33
3.8 Method of data collection   34
3.9 Method of data analysis 34

Data Presentation and Analysis 35

Findings and Discussion for Result 41
5.1 Discussion of the findings 41
5.2 Conclusion 42
5.3 Implications of the study 43
5.4 Recommendation 43
5.5 Suggestions for further study 44
5.6 Limitations of the study 45
References 46
Appendix 48

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(2014, 11). Assessment Of Internal Control System In Government Establishment. (a Case Study Of Unth, Enugu).. Retrieved 11, 2014, from
"Assessment Of Internal Control System In Government Establishment. (a Case Study Of Unth, Enugu)." 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <>.
"Assessment Of Internal Control System In Government Establishment. (a Case Study Of Unth, Enugu)..", 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <>.
"Assessment Of Internal Control System In Government Establishment. (a Case Study Of Unth, Enugu).." 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014.