The Impact Of Mortgage Banking In Nigeria’s Economic Development Programmes

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This is a research on Mortgage Banking in Nigerian Economic Development Programmes.
The research sorted to know for the existence of mortgage banking has been fact by the people and to the extent their objectives has been achieved.
In carrying out this research the researches made us of oral interested and questionnaire and the finding infere that mortgage bank it towards the economic development has been felt through many areas of their promotional activities such as loan advancement home and house renovators and refurbishment etc.
Therefore, it was this base that mortgage banking has been appreciated by the greatly achieved.

Chapter One
1.1 Background of Study
1.2 Statement of Problem
1.3 Introduction
1.4 Purpose of the Study
1.5 Significance of Study
1.6 Scope of the Study
1.7 Limitation of the Study
1.8 Definition of Terms

Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Functions and Importance of Mortgage Banking
2.2 Economic Development Programmes Facing Mortgage Banking

Chapter Three
3.1 Research Design and Methodology
3.2 Sources of Data
3.3 Location of Data
3.4 Method of Data Collection
3.5 Method of Data Analysis

Chapter Four
4.1 Summary of Findings

Chapter Five
5.1 Recommendation and Conclusion

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(2012, 11). The Impact Of Mortgage Banking In Nigeria’s Economic Development Programmes.. Retrieved 11, 2012, from
"The Impact Of Mortgage Banking In Nigeria’s Economic Development Programmes." 11 2012. 2012. 11 2012 <>.
"The Impact Of Mortgage Banking In Nigeria’s Economic Development Programmes..", 11 2012. Web. 11 2012. <>.
"The Impact Of Mortgage Banking In Nigeria’s Economic Development Programmes.." 11, 2012. Accessed 11, 2012.

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