The Impact Of Media Advertising On Polio Immunization Campaign In Enugu State (an Indepth Study Of The Ministry Of Health In Enugu State

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Poliomyelitis is a dreaded disease which affects children either disables or kills them. The government has embarked on Immunization to “Kick Polio out of Nigeria”. Advertising have been employed to achieve this goal. This study is aimed at ascertaining the role/roles played by media advertising and the roles played by ministry of health to ascertain whether the successes recorded in this campaign could be attributed to advertising and the roles of ministry of health. The study as well went further to ascertain whether there were other factors that aided advertising in successful polio eradication campaign. The researcher was prompted to take up this study as a result of the observed aggressive advertising embarked upon by the government and the success recorded in the polio Immunization campaign. The review of relevant Interactive demonstrated the fact that advertising is essential in any campaign programme. Survey method was used to carry out this study. Interview was equally adopted to get supporting answers to some of the research hypothesis for proper evaluation. Questionnaire was used as the measuring instrument. The questionnaire was in two sets, one for nursing mothers and the other for the health workers. Out of 399 questionnaires copies administered , 286 for nursing mothers and 113 for health workers, 280 and 110 were returned respectively. The data analysis was based on 390 which were upheld in the course of the text of hypothesis. Positive findings and recommendations were made.   

Title page 
Approval page 
Table of contents 

Chapter one 
1.0 Introduction 
1.1 Background of the study  
1.2 Statement of research problem 
1.3 Objectives of the study 
1.4 Significance of the study 
1.5 Research questions 
1.6 Research hypothesis 
1.7 Definition of terms 
1.8 Theoretical framework 
1.9 Assumption 
1.10 Scope of study 
1.11 Limitations of the study 

Chapter two 
2.0 Literature review 
2.1 sources of literature 
2.2 Literature review 
2.3 summary of literature review 

Chapter three 
3.0 Research methodology 
3.1 Research method 
3.2 Research Design 
3.3 Research population 
3.4 Sample size 
3.5 Sampling techniques 
3.6 Method of data collection 
3.7 Method of data analysis 
3.8 Expected results 

Chapter four 
Presentation, analysis and interpretation of data 
4.1 data presentation and analysis  
4.2 analysis of research questions/hypothesis 
4.3 Discussion of results 

Chapter five 
5.1 Summary 
5.2 Conclusion 
5.3 recommendations 
5.4 Further recommendations  for future studies 

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(2014, 11). The Impact Of Media Advertising On Polio Immunization Campaign In Enugu State (an Indepth Study Of The Ministry Of Health In Enugu State.. Retrieved 11, 2014, from
"The Impact Of Media Advertising On Polio Immunization Campaign In Enugu State (an Indepth Study Of The Ministry Of Health In Enugu State." 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <>.
"The Impact Of Media Advertising On Polio Immunization Campaign In Enugu State (an Indepth Study Of The Ministry Of Health In Enugu State..", 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <>.
"The Impact Of Media Advertising On Polio Immunization Campaign In Enugu State (an Indepth Study Of The Ministry Of Health In Enugu State.." 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014.

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