Industrial Work Experience Schemes (siwe)

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The technical industrial training report is well written for the study of automobile and their engines for the students of tertiary institutions.  The sequence in which the topics were presented in this article is quite commendable. The materials are well presented in a way that is easily comprehendible by the reader.  The operative words are first defined and explained in a manner preparatory to their further and more detailed treatment in subsequent chapters.  Like the third chapter, which talks about the history of automobile, how it was invented, the  people that worked assiduously to seeing that it did not only remain a challenge that seems insurmountable but a reality. To the second chapter which discusses about the engines of the automobile, it’s complex nature, the different component that makes up an engine and how they work in one accord to bring about the efficiency of the engine.  Of course we know that air is very important in every thing we do, both in our vehicles.  Which leads us to that fifth chapter which talks about the role of air in the braking system of an automobile.  The stages it passes to ensure the effective braking of an automobile etc.  The diagrams/ pictures following almost all the topics are well designed to introduce  the  audience  to known  better  the kind of automobile  he/she  has  been  using all this  while.  Finally, I give my strong recommendation on this report not only to students of engineering but to the society at large.

Title Page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledge iv
Abstract v
Table of Contents vi

Chapter One
1.0 About SIWES 1
1.1 History of SIWES 2
1.2 Aims and objectives of SIWES 3

Chapter Two
2.1 Brief history of the Company 4
2.2 Aims and objective of the company 5
2.3 Company Chart 6

Chapter Three
3.1 History of Automobiles 7

Chapter four 
4.1 The Engine of An Automobile 14
4.2 Components of an Engine 15
4.3 Description of the Various Components Of An Engine 16
4.4 Valve Adjustment
4.5 The Benefits of Valve Adjustment 25
4.6 Some Problems Encountered by the Engine, the Possible 26
4.5 Maintenance of an Engine 31

Chapter Five
5.1 The role of Air in the Braking System of Automobile 32
5.2 Design and Function 33
5.3 The Advantages of Air in the Breaking System of an Automobile 34
5.4 How air Works / Stages it Passes to Stop a Vehicle when The Brake is Matched 36

Chapter Six
Summary, Experiences Gains
6.1 Summary 40
6.2 Experiences Gained 40
6.3 Problem Encountered 41
6.4 Suggestion for Further Improvement 41
6.5 Conclusion 

Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes


(2014, 11). Industrial Work Experience Schemes (siwe).. Retrieved 11, 2014, from
"Industrial Work Experience Schemes (siwe)." 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <>.
"Industrial Work Experience Schemes (siwe)..", 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <>.
"Industrial Work Experience Schemes (siwe).." 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014.

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