This research work, the developmental impact of rural banking in Nigeria, a case study of United Bank of Africa (UBA) was carried out to measure to what extent the rural commercial banks have been able to involve the inhabitant of our rural areas in economic activities in terms of awareness and influence on their style of living through banking activities and how successful the bank are measuring up with their major aim of existence.
Chapter one, is an introductory aspect of the study. It contains items like the statement of the problem, objective of study, scope limitation and definition of terms.
Chapter two, this chapter is essentially made up of review of related literature, where attempt is made to keep the readers full understanding of the theories underlying subject matters.
Chapter three, is on research design and methodology. This chapter tried to justify the method of data collection method of data presentation, which can be used in the research method.
Chapter four, data presentation and analysis in the financial statement interpretation and ratio analysis in the financial statement.
Chapter five will deal with the finding, conclusion, recommendations and appendix.
Title page
Approval page
Table of contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Aims and objectives
1.2 Statement of research problems
1.3 Significance of study
1.4 Scope of study
1.5 Limitation of scope
1.6 Statement of Research Hypothesis
1.7 Definitions of terms
2.0 Review of Related Literature
2.1 Historical Background of United Bank of Africa, Enugu Branch
2.2 Banking marketing awareness and acceptance
2.3 The social responsibilities facing banks
2.4 Rural banking and agricultural development
2.5 Rural banking and rural infrastructural development
2.6 Rural banking and other development
2.7 The rural banking scheme
2.8 Evaluation of the rural banking scheme
3.0 Research methodology
3.1 Sources of Data collection
3.2 Primary Sources
3.3 Secondary sources
3.4 Organising and analyzing gathered data
4.0 Data presentation and analysis
4.1 Data presentation analysis
4.2 Questionnaire analysis
4.3 Personal interview analysis
4.4 Test of Hypothesis
4.5 Interpretation of results
5.0 Summary, conclusion and recommendation
5.1 Findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation
Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes
(2014, 10). The Developmental Impact Of Rural Banking In Nigeria (a Case Study Of United Bank For Africa Plc).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 10, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/4184/the-developmental-impact-of-rural-banking-in-nigeria-a-case-study-of-united-bank-for-africa-plc-537
"The Developmental Impact Of Rural Banking In Nigeria (a Case Study Of United Bank For Africa Plc)." ProjectStoc.com. 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/4184/the-developmental-impact-of-rural-banking-in-nigeria-a-case-study-of-united-bank-for-africa-plc-537>.
"The Developmental Impact Of Rural Banking In Nigeria (a Case Study Of United Bank For Africa Plc).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/4184/the-developmental-impact-of-rural-banking-in-nigeria-a-case-study-of-united-bank-for-africa-plc-537>.
"The Developmental Impact Of Rural Banking In Nigeria (a Case Study Of United Bank For Africa Plc).." ProjectStoc.com. 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/4184/the-developmental-impact-of-rural-banking-in-nigeria-a-case-study-of-united-bank-for-africa-plc-537.
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