The Effects Of Good Leadership And Administration In National Development (a Case Study Of President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan’s Administration)

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This study examined the effects of good leadership and administration in National development (A case study of President Good luck Ebele Jonathan’s administration). In this study survey, research design was employed, while investigation and historic research was used to evaluate the problems of leadership and also the best style to be employed for effective leadership. The instrument of data collection was through the use of questionnaire. The findings of this research show that political instability, corruption, injustice, favoritism and bad policies are responsible for the poor administration and bad leadership. The study also found out that technological underdevelopment is a major factor that brings about stagnancy in the process of development. Finally, it is recommended that all clauses that give room to exploitation, corruption and domination should be amended in the constitution and that government should avoid favoritism when it comes to fixing personnel in certain key areas that requires expertise. It concluded that the solution to the problem of bad leadership could only be resolved through conscious efforts of both the government and the governed.

Title page ii
Approval Page iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Table of Contents vi
Abstract vii

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Statement of Problem 5
1.3 Objective of the Study 6
1.4 Scope of the Study 7
1.5 Research Questions 7
1.6 Significance of the study 8
1.7 Definition of Terms 9

2.0 Overview of Literature Review 11
2.1 Nature of leadership 13
2.2 Nature of National Development 21
2.3 Leadership style and skills 25
2.4 Nature of Nigeria’s socio-political Environment 38
2.5 Achievements and challenges/controversies of President 
Goodluck Jonathan’s Administration 41
2.6 Leadership theories and Approach 50
2.7 Effectiveness of Leadership 58

3.0 Research Methodology 61
3.1 Sources of Data 61
3.1.1 Primary source of data 61
3.1.2 Secondary source of data 61
3.2 Area of the study 62
3.3 Population of the study 62
3.4 Sample size Determination 62
3.5 Research Instrument 63 
3.6 Validity of the Instrument 64
3.7 Reliability of the Instrument 64
3.8 Method of data Treatment and Analysis 65

4.0 Data Presentation and Analysis 66
4.1 Presentation of Data 66
4.2 Presentation of demographic characteristics 70
4.3 Analysis Based On Key Research Questions 76

Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Summary of Findings 77
5.2 Recommendations 78
5.3 Conclusions 81
5.4 Limitation of the study 82

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(2014, 10). The Effects Of Good Leadership And Administration In National Development (a Case Study Of President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan’s Administration).. Retrieved 10, 2014, from
"The Effects Of Good Leadership And Administration In National Development (a Case Study Of President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan’s Administration)." 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <>.
"The Effects Of Good Leadership And Administration In National Development (a Case Study Of President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan’s Administration)..", 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <>.
"The Effects Of Good Leadership And Administration In National Development (a Case Study Of President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan’s Administration).." 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014.

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