Educational Facilities And Its Effects On The Academic Performance Of Secretarial Students Of Institute Of Management And Technology Enugu

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The purpose for this work is to identify the effects of the provision of educational facilities to the performance of secretarial students of the Institute of Management and Technology Enugu.
The main problem being whether the Academic performance of secretarial studies are being affected by educational facilities.
The population used for the research work consist of secretarial student lecturers, non academic staff and some management staff of the Institute of Management and Technology (IMT) Enugu.
The instruments used for the data collect was a questionnaire, observant and the formular for the data analysis was:
X x  %
Y           1

X = No of response
Y = No of Respondents
% = 100
After the data analysis, the findings are as follows:
1. The Dept of Sec. Admin I. T.M Enugu needs Educational facilities to Educate their students.
2. The Dept. of Sec. Admin I.M.T Enugu does not have adequate educational facilities needed in the department.
3. The cause of these educational facilities was dye to some internal factors, inadequate funds, low management, lack of scarcity inadequate buildings/were house and lack of maintenance for the old facilities.
4. Educational facilities effects the students who have gone for their industrial training and those part-time jobs in the modern business world.
5. Efforts have been made to provide those facilities but were set back by the factors earlier mentioned above.
6. Solutions/suggestions were made by respondents to provide these facilities (launching for appeal fund, tasking those who spoil any one, employing more security and improvement of management.
7. These suggestions will be of great benefit to the secretarial students, lecturers and the management of IMT Enugu. Based on the findings, the following conclusions was made;
(i) That these facilities was indispensable to the department of secretarial studies and should be of great importance/improvement to the students as well as lecturers and management of IMT Enugu.
(ii) That institute should make provision for their students to be trained on the usage of these new facilities.
(iii) That these would enlighten the knowledge of the students when out to perform their duties especially in the more advances of the new society’s.
(iv) Finally, recommendation were made, on the research work to include training students whenever new facilities is introduced. Schools of post primary and private schools should include courses relating to these facilities.  Employment of exports to teach on the facilities will also be included for maximum result. 
Title Pages ii
Certification iii
Approval Page iv
Dedication v
Acknowledgement vi
Abstract vii
Table of contents x

1.1 Introduction/Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 3
1.3 Purpose of Study 4
1.4 Significance of the Study 5
1.5 Scope of the Study/Delimitation 6
1.6 Research Questions 6

Literature Review 8
Summary of Related Literature   15

3.0 Research Methodology 16
3.1 Research Design 16
3.2 Research Instruments 18
3.3 Population of the Study 19
3.4 Sample Size 19
3.5     Validity of Instruments 20
3.6 Data Analysis Techniques 21

4.1 Position/Rank 22
4.2 Sex 23
4.3 Age 23
4.4 Data Analysis/Testing of Research Question. 24

Summary of findings, conclusion, recommendations and 
areas for further study 33
5.1 Summary of Findings 33
5.2 Conclusion 35
5.3 Recommendation 36
5.4 Area for Further Study 37
Letter of Respondents 38
Questionnaires 39
Bibliography 42

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(2014, 10). Educational Facilities And Its Effects On The Academic Performance Of Secretarial Students Of Institute Of Management And Technology Enugu.. Retrieved 10, 2014, from
"Educational Facilities And Its Effects On The Academic Performance Of Secretarial Students Of Institute Of Management And Technology Enugu." 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <>.
"Educational Facilities And Its Effects On The Academic Performance Of Secretarial Students Of Institute Of Management And Technology Enugu..", 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <>.
"Educational Facilities And Its Effects On The Academic Performance Of Secretarial Students Of Institute Of Management And Technology Enugu.." 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014.

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