Accounting System In An Oil Industry (a Case Study Of Shell Petroleum Development Company

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This oil industry in Nigeria has grown tremendously since its discovery in 1908. it  has become a  major source of revenue and foreign exchange earner for the country.
Accounting for over 90% of total revenue of into nation. This write up which has been divided into five chapters including the introductions, which later the documentation of transactions and preparations of the financial statement in this industry with particular reference to shell petroleum Development company of Nigeria Limited.  
The second chapter which is the literature, review, covers the contents of the financial statement and the underlying assumption, made classification of costs and methods of accounting, made in its presentation. It also dealt with my case of study shell petroleum Development company of Nigeria limited; its historical background, organization structure and mode of records keeping.
The third and fourth chapters are about the methods of research sources analysis of the data. 
Title page ii
Approval page iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
Proposal vii
Table of contents viii

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 History of the study an overview 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 4
1.3 Objectives of the study 5
1.4 Relevance of the study 6
1.5 Problem analysis 7
1.6 Hypothesis 8
1.7 Scope of the study 9
1.8 Methodology 9
1.9 Definitions of terms 10

Literature Review 11
2.1 Definition and explanation of accounting 11
2.2 Explanation of accounting system 14
2.3 Model of accounting   17
2.4 Classification of costs 22
2.5 Methods of accounting 26
2.6 Financial statement discourses in accounting 
system of an oil industry 33
2.7 Historical back ground of shell 43
2.8 Nature of business 48
2.9 Organization structure 48
2.10 Accounting system maintained by the company 55
Reference 59

Research Methodology 60
3.1 Introduction 60
3.2 Sources of data
3.3 Method of data collection 61
3.4 Selection of sample size 62
3.5 Sample size 62

Data Presentation and Analysis 63
4.1 Research data 63
4.2 Limitations of study 64

Summary Conclusion and Recommendations 69
5.1 Objectives 69
5.2 Conclusion 70
5.3 Recommendations 71
Bibliography 72
APPENDIX: Interview Schedule 74
Specimen Balance sheet 
Of S.P.D.C Ltd

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(2014, 10). Accounting System In An Oil Industry (a Case Study Of Shell Petroleum Development Company.. Retrieved 10, 2014, from
"Accounting System In An Oil Industry (a Case Study Of Shell Petroleum Development Company." 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <>.
"Accounting System In An Oil Industry (a Case Study Of Shell Petroleum Development Company..", 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <>.
"Accounting System In An Oil Industry (a Case Study Of Shell Petroleum Development Company.." 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014.

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