Auditing As An Indispensable Tool For Economic Development (a Case Study Of Texco Nigeria Plc Lagos State)

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The management of the economy in the past has been characterized by corruption and financial mismanagement which made the country to have persistent balance  of payment problems. This financial mismanagement was more pronounced during the civilian administration of 1979- 1983 and the dictatorial government of general Sani Abacha of 1993 to 1998. 
The performance of the economy in the past therefore suggest that our economic  problem today are the bye product of unpatriotic, uncommitted, selfish and corrupt leader ship. 
In the face of glaring corruption financial impropriety over invoicing and other facets role the auditors of repute have been playing in a bid to buid a virile nation.
The purpose of accountability in any society is to showing how well organisation and people in position of trust of public and private funds and property have performed. 
The accounting profession requires of its members integrity transparent honesty independence and objectivity to accepted professional conduct. 
During the decade 1970 and  beyond the Nigerian economy completely lost its direction. 
The glory which the economy attained during its pre- and post independence era soon began to dwindle due to the monocultural dependence on oil which the country developed as a result of the unexpected rise in oil prices. 
The need for integrity oneness of purpose, effective and efficient financial control which enhance profitability at this stage can not  be over emphasized in a bid to channel the surplus funds to prioritized areas. 
Even the surplus funds could not be used for the development of man power in the area of science and technology for the country consequently there is a total dependence on the foreign sector for technical support. The company under review is a case in point since the  production of its marketable product can not be carried  out without the assistance of technical partners. 
However, the company provides goods and services to the public generate employment opportunities as well as contributing substantially to government revenue. 
There is a requirement that all registered limited liability companies must have their financial records audited annually by a firm of auditors so appointed. 
The law complies as above for the auditor to express an opinion on such financial statement and for the opinion to be authoritative the auditor must seen to be independent 
In an attempt to ensure improve profitability various devices and method such as internal control are used. 
Since companies differ both in degree and circumstances depending on the nature of business and commercial environment it operates reliance on certain factors. 
Paragraph (5)_ of the auditors operational standards and guideline state that if the auditor wishes to place reliance on any internal control he should ascertain and evaluate those controls and perform compliance test on their operation this is to ensure completeness and accuracy of all financial record and transaction. 
As we go further in this study the relevant ingredients will be dealt with in order to arrive at the conclusions based on empirical test. 

Title page 
Approval page 
Proposal of study 
Table of contents 

1.1 Background of study 
1.2 Statement of the problem 
1.3 Objective of the study 
1.4 Statement of hypothesis 
1.5 Significance of the study 
1.6 Scope and limitation of study 
1.7 Definition of terms. 

2.1 Review of related literature 
2.2 Historical background of quitting 
2.3 Meaning and important of auditing including its, saims 
2.4 Internal check internal control and internal audit. 
2.5 Various types of audit 
2.6 The objective of auditing 
2.7 The need for auditing what justification 
2.8 Auditing as an indispensable tool for economic development
2.9 Problem of an audit and how to over come audit problems. 
2.8.2 How to over come or prevent audit problems
2.9 How auditing has helped the growth and prosperity as well as efficient management of Texaco Nig Plc Lagos sate 

3.1 Research methodology 
3.2 Research design 
3.3 Selection of data 
3.3.1 Source of data 
3.3.2 Primary data 
3.4 Secondary data 
3.4.1 Research instrument 
3.4.2 Direct inter view 
3.4.3 Questionnaire design 
3.4.4 Data analysis techniques 

4.1 Data presentation and analysis of data 
4.2 Hypothesis testing 
4.3 Data interpretation 

5.1 Summary of findings 
5.2 Conclusion 
5.3 Recommendations 

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(2014, 10). Auditing As An Indispensable Tool For Economic Development (a Case Study Of Texco Nigeria Plc Lagos State).. Retrieved 10, 2014, from
"Auditing As An Indispensable Tool For Economic Development (a Case Study Of Texco Nigeria Plc Lagos State)." 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <>.
"Auditing As An Indispensable Tool For Economic Development (a Case Study Of Texco Nigeria Plc Lagos State)..", 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <>.
"Auditing As An Indispensable Tool For Economic Development (a Case Study Of Texco Nigeria Plc Lagos State).." 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014.

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