Effect Of Computer Ont Eh Accounting Profession (a Case Study Of Asaba Aluminium Company Delta State

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    This study deals with the effect of the computer to the accountant.  It is carried out to the investigate the various way in which computer affects the accountant as processional.
    Some hypothesis were formulated subject to verification.
    These hypothesis are
1.    Computers does not effect on the accounting profession.
2.    Computers does not perform task with maximum speed and accuracy that will make the job of the job of the account staff a lot easier
3.    Computer is not an aid to the accountant
The basic ways the computer has being of benefit to the accountant and types and generations of computer were extensively discussed.  The problems that are usually encounted as a result of the introduction of computer in accounting and other field were also lighted.
Structurally, this chapter one deals with the introduction of research work.  Chapter two deals with the review of related literature drawn from the textbooks, articles in newspapers and Journals.  Chapter three deals with the statement of the methodology used  for the research study.  Chapter four deals with data presentation, analysis and its subsequent interpretation.
From the research of the study, conclusions were drawn and recommendations were made.  These were done in chapter five.  Due to the extensive usage of technical terms, there is the need for the definition of these terms.TABLE OF CONTENTS
Title page
Table of contents
Chapter one
1.0    Introduction
1.1    Manual data processing system
1.2    state of problem
1.3    objective of the study
1.4    significance of the study
1.5    delimitation of the study
1.6    Scope limitation of the study
1.7    Research Questions
1.8    Research hypothesis
1.9    Definition of terms
Chapter two
2.0    Review of related literature
2.1    a brief history of computer
1.2    Definition of computer
1.3    Types of computer
1.4    Components of computer system
1.5    Varieties of computers
1.6    Functions /uses of computers
1.7    Computer programs / programming language
1.8    Files and files processing
1.9    System analysis and design
1.10    How to match computers and accounting software
1.11    Computer crime
1.12    What is computer fraud
Chapter three
3.0    Methodology of the study
3.1    Method  of data collection
3.2    Population and sample size
3.3    Sample design
3.4    Method of data analysis and interpretation.
Chapter four
4.0    Data presentation and  analysis
4.1    Presentation of data and analysis
4.2    Test of Hypothesis
Chapter five
5.0    Summary of findings, recommendation and conclusion
5.1    Summary of findings
5.2    Recommendation
5.3    Conclusion

Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes
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(2014, 10). Effect Of Computer Ont Eh Accounting Profession (a Case Study Of Asaba Aluminium Company Delta State.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 10, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/3526/effect-of-computer-ont-eh-accounting-profession-a-case-study-of-asaba-aluminium-company-delta-state-8592
"Effect Of Computer Ont Eh Accounting Profession (a Case Study Of Asaba Aluminium Company Delta State." ProjectStoc.com. 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/3526/effect-of-computer-ont-eh-accounting-profession-a-case-study-of-asaba-aluminium-company-delta-state-8592>.
"Effect Of Computer Ont Eh Accounting Profession (a Case Study Of Asaba Aluminium Company Delta State.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/3526/effect-of-computer-ont-eh-accounting-profession-a-case-study-of-asaba-aluminium-company-delta-state-8592>.
"Effect Of Computer Ont Eh Accounting Profession (a Case Study Of Asaba Aluminium Company Delta State.." ProjectStoc.com. 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/3526/effect-of-computer-ont-eh-accounting-profession-a-case-study-of-asaba-aluminium-company-delta-state-8592.

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