This study reveals that choice of dividend policy is a financial management decision that deserves a great care to strike and maintain a balance between:-
1.Paying out earnings (or part) to the stockholder.
2.Retaining it for reinvestments by the firm.
Ordinarily, the objectives above represent two different interest groups viz. The investor clamorous for high dividend pay-out, the investment (the firm) otherwise, higher dividend pay-out, means higher cash flow to the investors, which is good, but a lower future growth of the firm which on the other hand.
Therefore, an optional dividend policy is required to reconcile these opposing forces and maximize the price of the stock. The impact of dividend policy in market price of shares was discovered. Higher dividend payout attracts more investors and when there is rush for a company’s stock, the price will move up uientele effect. This is a common view of different authorities as shown by the literature review of this research.
The objective of this study is to investigate what effect a dividend policy adopted by a firm has on the market value of share of that company. The statistical analysis of this work was the computation of the share price in the market for the company with the dividend piggens in the first place and with the earning figures in the second place.
It was discovered using correlation coefficient that a strong positive relationship exists between the company’s dividend policy and her share. The hypothesis formulated was tested using analysis data. It should that dividend policy has impact on the firm’s share price. It is therefore uncommercial end that dividend pay-out be given a deserved consideration since it has a positive influence on the share price.
In conclusion, dividend policy has impacts on market value of shares.
Title page
Table of content
1.2Statement of Problem
1.3Purpose of the Study
1.4Significant of the Study
1.5Research Hypothesis
1.6Scope and Limitation of the Study
1.7Concise Historical Background of the Study
1.8Definition of Terms
2.0Literature Review
2.1Theories on Dividend Policy
2.2Union bank of Nigeria
2.3Role of dividend policy in banking
2.4Criticisms of the Theories
3.0Research Methodology And Design
3.1Research Population and Sample Size
3.2Methodology Statistical Analysis
3.3Ratio analysis
3.4Graphical analysis
4.0Data Presentation And Analysis
4.1Presentation of Data
4.3Testing of Hypothesis
4.4Interpretation of Results.
5.0Summary And Conclusions Of Findings
5.1Discussion of findings
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(2012, 09). Dividend Policy And Its Impact On Share Price Valuation (a Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 09, 2012, from https://projectstoc.com/read/35/dividend-policy-and-its-impact-on-share-price-valuation-a-case-study-of-union-bank-of-nigeria-plc
"Dividend Policy And Its Impact On Share Price Valuation (a Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc)." ProjectStoc.com. 09 2012. 2012. 09 2012 <https://projectstoc.com/read/35/dividend-policy-and-its-impact-on-share-price-valuation-a-case-study-of-union-bank-of-nigeria-plc>.
"Dividend Policy And Its Impact On Share Price Valuation (a Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 09 2012. Web. 09 2012. <https://projectstoc.com/read/35/dividend-policy-and-its-impact-on-share-price-valuation-a-case-study-of-union-bank-of-nigeria-plc>.
"Dividend Policy And Its Impact On Share Price Valuation (a Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc).." ProjectStoc.com. 09, 2012. Accessed 09, 2012. https://projectstoc.com/read/35/dividend-policy-and-its-impact-on-share-price-valuation-a-case-study-of-union-bank-of-nigeria-plc.
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