The Benefit Of Cooperative Societies To Staff Of Federal Establishment In Enugu State Using Power Holding Company Of Nigeria Cooperative Thrift And Credit Loan Society

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Co-operative movement is a product of the different socio-economic conditions brought about by industrialization and a better forming economy in many of the advanced counties as well as the developing countries. Co-operatives have been used for effective mobilization of labour, combination of agro industrial development program with the aim of promoting growth in all communities. It was found out that while a few CTLS have made sounding success base on the level of their capitalization and investment capital, others are just clutch of life.
All co-operative societies consisted by the CTLS in the reason for the proliferation of co-operative thrift and loan society in that of the indigenos loan clubs (Isusu) has existed in the region prior to official introduction of the co-operative movement. Also there was a pressing need among the population to improve on their condition of living since the origin.
Co-operative thrift and loan societies has become most subscribed and successful co-operative type in Enugu. The establishment can of course promote means of motivating their workers but it hardly achieves its own when compared to co-operation. Authoritatively, it can be called a bridge that would close the gap created by the harsh economic condition the numerous wants and needs which are enormous and their esteem needs as described by Abraham Maslow in his hierarchy of wants.
Co-operative cocoa societies started in the western region of Nigeria. The main reason why co-operative societies formed at that time was to help organize cocoa farmer of eastern Nigeria. In 1944, the beneficial of co-operation are not limited to the employees alone. The organization sees a change in the attitude of their workers the rate at which people change jobs would reduce and vis-versa. With this borne in mind, any organization that impacted the economic advancement of its work force should bear it in mind that the obstruction co-operations as most employers see it as movement without considering the gains they stand to obtain.

The felt need for a means of cushioning the effect of inflation, harsh sip and a host of their problems experienced in our nation and other nation that are faced with similar problems are indeed which is most cases have not addressed the problem at hand but has only helped in alleviating a minimal amount which was enriched the pocket of those preferring them. The government on its part has not taken time to research into ways of making a head way as all the remedies out do not make any remarkable impact on those concerned.
No matter the amount one receives at the end of the month, if it is not properly administered with a certain level of frugality in order to cover the wants, the problem at hand is still not solved. Credit mobilized through the savings of members it has been observed that companies or organizations where credit co-operatives are established are faced with problems namely:
- No registration of the society in the ministry of co-operatives.
- A default in the payment of salaries
- A conflict of interest between the co-operatives and establishment management 
- The problem of first or greater locality to who at a particular point in time.
- If there has been a remarkable growth rays since its inception and development in their areas of operation.
A recent balance sheet compared to the previous ones during its formative years would be a certain for evaluation of performance.  
- Check out for the problems being encountered by these CTLS in their daily operations.
- Finally make recommendations and suggestions solution to the problems being encountered by members intending members and society too. Not forgetting to show the charges and windfalls that these credit thrift and loan societies can create to all concerned.

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(2014, 09). The Benefit Of Cooperative Societies To Staff Of Federal Establishment In Enugu State Using Power Holding Company Of Nigeria Cooperative Thrift And Credit Loan Society.. Retrieved 09, 2014, from
"The Benefit Of Cooperative Societies To Staff Of Federal Establishment In Enugu State Using Power Holding Company Of Nigeria Cooperative Thrift And Credit Loan Society." 09 2014. 2014. 09 2014 <>.
"The Benefit Of Cooperative Societies To Staff Of Federal Establishment In Enugu State Using Power Holding Company Of Nigeria Cooperative Thrift And Credit Loan Society..", 09 2014. Web. 09 2014. <>.
"The Benefit Of Cooperative Societies To Staff Of Federal Establishment In Enugu State Using Power Holding Company Of Nigeria Cooperative Thrift And Credit Loan Society.." 09, 2014. Accessed 09, 2014.

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